Lecture 7 Flashcards
Components of reliability
- Sensitivity
- Specificity
- Kappa
Extent to which there is an agreement that the diagnosis is present
Agreement that diagnosis is absent
Statistic used to measure extent of agreement over and above chance levels
-numbers we want to know
-studies frequency’s of disorders in population
Proportion of people with diagnosis at any time
-when prevalence rates rise dramatically, there is concern that normal individuals individuals are incorrectly diagnosed
Lifetime prevelance
Proportion of people who have never had a diagnosis in their lifetime
National traumatic stress network
Assessment and treatment of trauma-exposed children in US
Interpersonal trauma within caregiving systems
-parent death
—trauma within these systems statistically likely to reoccur
Domains affected by interpersonal trauma
-affect regulation
-attention and concentration
-negative self-image
Complex trauma
-children exposed to multiple traumatic events
-often invasive
—wide-ranging, long-lasting
-Events are severe and pervasive
—often occur in early life
Long term impacts of complex trauma
-social development
-psyc, bio, cog development
-interferes with ability to form Secure attachments
-can disrupt development of sense of self
Treatment resistance
Associated with complex trauma
-as criteria for PTSD is not met, significance of trauma exposure is ignored in treatment
Complex trauma proposed criteria
Criterion A
-traumatic victimization
-attachment disruption
—primary giver loss
—emotional abuse
Criterion B
-affective/physiological dysregulation
Criterion C
Criterion D
-self- and relational dysregulation