Lecture 6: Thorax Flashcards
Surface anatomy points (4)
- Midclavicular line: Passes just medial to the nipple
- Mid-axillary line: descends from midpoint of Avila
- Nipple: dome of respiratory diaphragm at T4 level
- Xipoid Process: at level of T10
Midclavicular Line
Surface Anatomy
Passes just medial to nipple
Mid-axillary line
surface anatomy
descends from midpoint to avila
surface anatomy
dome of respiratory diaphragm at T4 level
Xiphoid precess
surface anatomy
at level T10
Bones of Thoracic Wall (2)
- Sternum
A. Manubrium
B. Body
C. Xiphoid Process - Ribs- 12 pairs
A. True 1-7
B. False 8-12
C. Floating 11-12
Muscles of Thoracic Wall
(3) muscles
- Anterior Thoracic Wall muscles that act on upper limb
A. Pec. major
B. Pec. Minor
C. Serratus Anterior
Types of Joints in Thoracic Wall (4)
- Sternoclavicular: saddle-type synovial
- Sternocostal: primary cartilagenous/synchondroses
- Costcohondral: Primary cartilaginous
- Intechondral: Synovial plane
See slide 7-9
Nerves of Thoracic Wall (3)
- intercostal nerves
- 12th spinal nerve
- Neurovascular bundle
Intercostal Nerves
anterior rami of first 11 thoracic spinal nerves
12th spinal nerve
gives rise to subcostal nerve
Neruvascular bundle (NAV)
lives inferior to each rib
Female Breast (2)
- mammary tissue composed of compound tubuloacinar glands
- organized into 15-20 lobes, separated by fibrous connective tissue (suspensory of ligaments of cooper) - Tail of spence (axillary tail)- extension of mammary tissue superolatterally toward axilla
Suspensory ligaments of cooper
fibrous connective tissue separating tubuloacinar glands in female breast
Tail of spence
“axillary tail”
extension of mammary tissue superolatterally toward the axilla
Female Breast Lymphatics (3)
- lymph is drained from breast tissues
- 75% of lymphatic drainage is to the axillary nodes
- Remainder lymph drains to infraclavicular, pectoral, or parasternal nodes
Breast cancer clinical pearl
~ 50% breast cancer develops in upper, outer, quadrant of the breast
Sings Female Breast Cancer
- Nipple Retraction
- Skin Edema
- Skin dimpling
Nipple Retraction/Breast Cancer
Carcinomatous involvement of mammary ducts may cause duct shortening and retraction or inversion of nipple
Skin Edema
Involvement and obstruction of SQ lymphatic by tumor result in lymphatic dilation and lymph accumulation in the skin
Reluctant edema created orange peel appearance owing to prominence of skin gland orifices
Skin Dimpling
Dimpling of skin over a carcinoma is caused by involvement and retraction of suspensory cooper’s ligaments
Lungs (2)
- lie in pleural cavityA. Visceral Pleura: lines the lung
B. Parietal Pleura: Line’s the cavity/thoracic wall - Lobes
A. R=3 lobes
B. L=2 lobes and lingual
Visceral Pleura of Lung
lines the lung
Parietal Pleura
line’s cavity/thoracic wall
Lobes of Lung (2)
- Right=3 lobes
2. Left= 2 lobes + lingula
External Lung Features (9)
- Lobes
- Horizontal Fissure
- Oblique Fissure
- Impressions
- Hilum
- Lungula
- Cardiac notch
- Pulmonary Ligament
- Bronchopulmonary Segment
Lobes: external features
- Three Lobes R lung: Superior, Middle, Inferior
2. Two Lobes L: Superior/inferior
Horizontal Fissure of lung
external features of lung
Only in R lun, extends along line of 4th rib
Oblique fissure of lung
External features of lung
On both lungs, extends from T2-T3 vertebra spine to 6th costal cartilage anteriorly
External features of lung
made by adjacent structures in fixed lungs
External features of lung
Points at which structures (bronchus, vessels, nerves, lymphatics) enter or leave lungs
external feature of lung
tongue-shaped feature of left lung
Cardiac Notch
Indentation for the heart, in left lung
Pulmonary Ligament
Double layer of parietal pleura, hanging from the hilum that marks reflection of visceral pleura to parietal pleura
Bronchopulmonary Segment
10 functional segments in each lung supplied by a segmental bronchus and a segmental artery from the pulmonary artery
Trachea (4)
- single airway that extends midline from circoid cartilage to its bifurcation at sternal angle of louis
- T4/T5
- Trachea lies anterior to the esophagus and its supported by cartilaginous rings
- Trachea bifurcates into right and left main stem bronchi
Features of Trachea
- 5 inched long and 1 inch in diameter
2. inferiorly anterior to esophagus and posterior to aortic arch
Cartilaginous rings
- 16-20 C shaped rings