Lecture 6 - Learning & Memory Flashcards
What’s amnesia ?
The loss of memory or the inability to form new memories
What can cause amnesia ?
- Surgery
- Traumatic brain injury
- Infections of the brain (herpes simplex encephalitis)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Korsakoff syndrome
- Concussion
What are the different types of memory ?
- ST memory : working memory, sequence learning, planning
- LT memory : explicit, implicit & emotional memory
What are the different types of amnesia ?
- Retrograde
- Anterograde
- Autobiographical
What’s the difference between retrograde & anterograde amnesia ?
- Retrograde : inability to retrieve old memories (entorhinal damage)
- Anterograde : inability to form new memories (hippocampal damage)
What’s memory ?
The ability to recall previous experiences
To what part of the brain is linked explicit memory ?
(Temporal/Frontal) Cortex & Hippocampus
To what part of the brain is linked implicit memory ?
Basal Ganglia
To what part of the brain is linked emotional memory ?
To what part of the brain is linked ST memory ?
Prefrontal Cortex/DLPFC
What’s ST memory ?
It involves the neural record of events & their order for a brief period of time (movements, locations, verbal & visual information)
What is the role of the ventral stream in ST memory ?
Memory of objects
What is the role of the DLPFC in ST memory?
Integrates information from dorsal & ventral stream
Where are located the lesions that can cause different ST memory problems ?
- Lateral & medial PFC
- L/R temporal lobe
What aspect of ST memory can be affected by lesions in the parietal association areas ?
- Location
- Memory within specific visual field
What causes modality-specific ST memory problems ?
Temporal association area lesions
What aspects of ST memory can be affected by frontal lesions ?
- Working memory
- Memory of order
What role does the hippocampus play in memory retention ?
Retaining memory within a restricted period after learning
What connections does the fornix provide from the hippocampus ?
Connections to :
- Thalamus
- Basal ganglia