Lecture 6: Human Population Flashcards
Human populations during the stone age were ____.
All density-dependent growth limiting factors applied:
- Competition for food
- Availability of water
- Risk of predation
- Spread of disease
About ______ years ago, ____ ____ migrated out of Africa into the ____ _____.
- 130,000
- Homo sapiens
- Fertile Crescent
Transition from hunting and gathering to cultivating food, fiber, and other animal and plant products
First Agricultural Revolution
loosens up soil for planting
is the selection of human-desired traits in domesticated species
Transition from an rural, agrarian society to an urbanized one dominated by machine manufacturing
Industrial Revolution
Accompanied by several important medical discoveries in Industrial Evolution
- Germ theory
- Vaccines
- Antibiotics
- Water treatment
Many diseases are caused by microorganisms.
Germ Theory
Injections of dead and weakened viruses to prevent disease
Chemicals that selectively kill bacteria.
Filtration and chlorination of water to remove
microorganisms and toxins.
Water Treatment
estimates how long it will take a population to
double in size at its current growth rate
Doubling time
formula for doubling time
70 / Current % growth rate
As growth rate _____, doubling time _____ proportionally.
- increases, decrease
Statistical characteristics of the human population based on age, income, and other factors.
Human Demographics
measures how long an average newborn will live
Life expectancy
Life expectancy is most influenced by _____ _____ ____.
Infant mortality rate
- is the number of infant (less than 1 year old) deaths per 1,000 births.
infant mortality rate
the replacement level and will result in a stable population.
Fertility rate of 2.1
is the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime
Total fertility rate
is the total value of goods and services produced per year, per person
GDP per capita
Positive factors that is included in GDP per capita
▫ Infrastructure
▫ Rate of volunteering
▫ Ecosystem services
Negatuve factors that is not included in GDP per capita
▫ Income inequality
▫ Pollution
▫ Impacts of climate change
▫ Crime
is when people move into an area, increasing population.
is when people leave an area, decreasing
Population pyramids show the distribution of age groups separated by ____ and _____.
male and female
4 kinds of population pyramids
- Initial Stability
- Rapid Growth
- Stabilizing growth
- Negative growth
▫ High birth rate (>2.1) offset by low life expectancy
Initial Stability
High birth rate (>2.1) plus increasing life expectancy
Rapid growth
▫ High life expectancy.
▫ Birth rate slows to replacement level (~2.1)
Stabilizing growth
Birth rate drops below replacement level (<2.1)
Negative growth
How demographics change as a country develops and industrializes.
Demographic transition
Four stages of demographic transition
- Pre-industrial
- Transitional
- Industrial
- Postindustrial
Experiencing shifts in demographic transition, which impact overall population size
Birth rate and death rate
birth rates and death rates are both high, 22
keeping the population stable
Preindustrial stage
children support the family income and care for elders
Prontalist pressures
death rates fall rapidly as access to food and medicine improve.
Early transition
birth rates gradually fall through a series of social changes.
late transition stage
birth rates reach equilibrium death rates, and the population stabilizes
industrial stage
birth rates continue falling due to a series of antinatalist forces.
- High economic costs; both parents work full time.
- The population begins to shrink.
post-industrial stage
China used a program of birth quotas, regulations, and enforcements to rapidly pass through the demographic transition and reduce population growth.
China’s one and two-child policy
The human population will ____ as each country passes through the ____ ____.
- stabilize
- Demographic transition