Lecture 5: Society & Institutions Flashcards
adherent (adherence, to adhere to)
a person who supports a particular idea or party
convert (to) (conversion, to convert)
someone who has taken on a new set of beliefs
fanatic (fanaticism, fanatical)
(disapproving) someone with a very strong belief that something is great
radical (radicalism, to radicalise)
someone who believes there should be extreme change, often political
reactionary (reaction, to react)
(disapproving) someone opposed to change or new ideas
to be seeking to eradicate
to want to abolish/get rid of
to justify / be justified
to show or prove to be right or reasonable
a principle on which a belief is based
person who publicly supports an opinion
to derive from
to have their origins in
to campaign
work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one
civil disobedience
when a group of people express disapproval of laws by refusing to obey them
viewpoint / point of view
way of thinking about a situation
not wanting or able to believe something
easily tricked into believing things that may not be true
influenced by beliefs or feelings rather than facts
convincing (opp.: implausible)
attribute to
consider something to be caused or created by
believe something to be true although you’re not totally certain
to give someone the benefit of the doubt
accept someone is telling the truth even though it is not certain
to take what someone says with a pinch of salt
to not totally believe what you are told
a festival …. in November each ear
a festival … people dressed in spectacular costumes
adjective for celebration
festival / festivities
special day / enjoyable activities
adjective for festival
parade verb
to parade
fest verb
to feat / be feasting / the feasting
adjective for ceremony
have illogical beliefs about hidden forces in nature
centenary / bi-centenary
100th anniversary / 200th
extremely colourful and exaggerated
very noise
serious, heavy, sad
has a special feeling or atmosphere
can be traced back
its origin may be found in
pagan times
the times when people believed that nature had special powers
to respect and remember officially, formal
in a basic and important way
not allowing people to have
act that spoils or destroys something
poverty line
a fixed minimum standard
absolute poverty
being poor according to a fixed minimum standard
relative poverty
being poor in relation to others around you
social context
income equality
relatively the same income between countries
extreme poverty
living below the poverty line
human poverty
being poor in a range of ways, not only financial
having a place to live that is protected from the weather
food that people take into their body
suffering from ill health because of poor food
noun: malnourishment/malnutrition
ability to read and write
not able to read and/or write
systems for taking dirty water and waste from homes to ensure good hygiene
deprived, deprivation
lacking in things considered necessary for a pleasant life
to be classed
to be categorised
affluence, being affluent
wealth, wealthy
The super-rich
exceptionally rich people
to live on/below the breadline
having the level of income of an extremely poor person
to make ends meet
to have enough money to buy all you need
poverty-stricken (countryside)
affected by poverty
poor, without much money to live on
without money, food, home or posession
noun: destitution
to be living from hand to mouth
having just enough money to live without suffering
money has been tight
there has not been much money
to tighten your belts
to spend less than before
income bracket
range of income woth upper and lower levels
to bend the law / rules
to break it in a way that is considered not to be very harmful
to contravene a law
to break a law
noun: contravention
to infringe a law/rule
to break a law/rules
noun: infringement
to impeach a president/governor
to make a formal statement saying that a person in public office has committed a serious offence
noun: impeachment
to lodge an appeal
to make an official request that a previous judgement should be changed
to uphold/overturn a verdict
to say that a previous decision in court was correct/incorrect
to pervert the course of justice
to make it difficult for justice to be done
noun: perversion
to quash a conviction
to change a previous official decision that someone was guilty
to set a precedent
to establish a decision which must usually, in English law, be taken into account in future decision
to award/grant custody to
to give one parent or adult the main responsibility for a child, especially after separation or divorce
to annul a(n) agreement/marriage/law
to declare that it no longer exists and never existed
noun: annulment
to sue someone
to take legal action against someone
to allege
to say someone has done something illegal without giving proof
noun: allegation
“And all of your favourite musicians beat their wives. ALLEGEDLY!”
to amend a law
to make changes to a law -> amendment
discrimination, to discriminate
unfair treatment on grounds of sex, gender, race, nationality, sexuality, ethnicity,…
embezzlement, to embezzle, an embezzler
stealing money that belongs to an organisation you work for
harassment, to harass,
putting undue pressure on someone, e.g. for sexual reasons to get a debt repaid
insider trading/dealing
to do/practise insider trading/dealing
an insider trader/dealer
illegal buying and selling of shares by someone who has specialist knowledge of a company
money laundering
to launder money
a money launderer
having money obtained illegally to that its origin cannot be traced
to commit perjury
a perjurer
lying when under oath
to stalk
a stalker
following someone or giving them unwanted or obsessive attention
to trespass
a trespasser
to go onto someone else’s land without permission
a law-abiding person
someone who always obey the law
a law-breaker
someone who often and deliberately does not obey the law
to take the law intoyour own hands
to do something illegal to punish someone cause you feel the legal system will not punish the person
to lay down the law
to say with great force what you think should happen
someone is a law unto themselves
they behave in a way which is independent and not the way in which most people behave
sustainable development
development which can continue over a long time
to take root
to start to be accepted
encouraging signs
looking gooooood
to achive economic growth
to grow …. economically?
to recover from a long decline
to get better from a long period of bad economics
to live in deep poverty
abject poverty (collocation)
allocating funds
giving to be used for a particular purpose
pursuing policies
following policies (collocation)
development grants
money to help development
eradicate poverty
to get rid of completely of sth bad
Schulden abbezahlen
to repay debt
debt burden
easing the debt burden, cancelling debt
debtor countries/nations
a nation whose debts to other countries exceed its foreign investments
Debt relief
alleviating debt
restrictive practices
the placing of unfair restrictions, e.g. limiting imports
restrictions on what a country may import/export
total prohibitions on importing/exporting certain goods
verb das zu embargo passt
to impose/to lift
einheitliche Geldeinheit
monetary union/ single currency
a country badly affected by war
war-torn country
economies in a bad state
ailing economies
reduction/increase in value against other currencies
the verb meaning to reduce the value of a currency
to devalue
economies …. into ….
to go into recession / to come out of recession, to emerge
a recession which ends and then begins after a short time
to boost the economy
to give the economy a lift
a slump in prices
serious fall/ collapse in prices