Lecture 5- Chapter 7: Flashcards
Key Concept 1: Life History
-Life history patterns vary among species and within a species
-Life History events are an adaptation
David Sinclair
- Discovered the cause of death in yeast
- Believes that aging is a disease and that he can cure it
- the relative amounts of energy or resources that an organism devotes to different functions
- Can be divided between growth, survival, and reproduction
- Which varies amongst organisms
Frogs Life History
-Is divided between an aquatic stage and a terrestrial one
-Resulting in a several evolutionary decisions
-Life history events are heritable and show variation among species and within
-Duration of tadpole
-Timing of metamorphosis
Frog’s Aquatic Stage
- Egg stage
- Tadpole stage
Frog’s Terrestrial Stage
- Juvenile Stage
- Adult Stage
Genetic and Environmental Differences
-Some frogs lay eggs in freezing cold water temperatures
-Tropical frog breeds within a fluid and keeps its eggs outside of the pond altogether
Phenotypic Plasticity
- May result in a continuous range of sizes, or discrete types called morphs
- Ex. Spadefoot toad is an example of both
- Phenotypic plasticity in timing of metamorphosis
- Tadpoles are the same genotype
- Adult phenotypes differ in side from accelerated
Life Cycle Of a Coral
- Sexual Stage, Juvenile Stage, Adult Stage
1. Meiosis
2. Fertilization
3. Larva
4. Polyp (asexual)
Sexual Stage of a Coral
- meiosis
- fertilization
Juvenile Stage of a Coral
- Larva
- Polyp
Adult Stage of a Coral
- the rest
Key Concept 2 Life History:
- There are trade-offs between life history trait
Key Concept 2 Life History Continued:
There are Trade-offs..
- between the number and size of offspring
- in organisms’ parental care
- between reproduction and survival
Reproductive Sexual Maturity is Reached:
- Energy can be divided between growth or reproduction
- Growth can then stop or continue