Lecture 5- Cell Cycle/Mitosis Flashcards
Growth of size of cells (not an increase in number of cells)
Growth of the size of an organism by increasing the number of cells
Centrosomal Cycle
Pair of centrioles orient themselves perpendicular to one another
Nuclear Cycle
Lamins are phosphorylated to allow nuclear membrane to dissociate (after mitosis, lamins are dephosphorylated and membrane is reestablished)
Cytoplasmic Cycle
Increase in volume of cytoplasm to a critical mass for mitosis to occur
Chromosomal Cycle
Replication of DNA molecules in the form of chromosomes
G-1 Phase of Mitosis
First gap/growth phase
[Cyclin E] increases and binds to Cdk2 kinase forming MPF
S Phase of Mitosis
DNA synthesis occurs
E-cyclins degraded and inactive Cdk2 kinase
[A-cyclin] increases toward end of S phase
MCM proteins
Helicase proteins necessary for DNA replication…bind to origin of replication
G-2 Phase of Mitosis
Second gap/growth phase
Cyclin-A binds to Cdk1 which leads to activities necessary for mitosis
M Phase of Mitosis
B-cyclin is degraded (MPF) toward end of phase
Cdk1 inactivated
Checkpoint for proper chromosomal alignment during metaphase
Made up of Cyclin-B/Cdk1 complex
Dephosphorylation necessary to activate for entry into the M phase
G-0 Phase of Mitosis
Condition of a cell that has been taken out of the classical cell cycle
Embryonic Cells
Little time in G-1 phase
embryonic & some tumor cells
Labile Cells
More time in G-1 phase and grow and become differentiated
epithelia of gut and epidermis, hematopoietic cells
Non-dividing Cells
Permanently locked in G-1 phase and never divide
skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, & neurons
Physical division of nuclear material
Physical division of cytoplasmic material
Occurs when karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis and results in an increase in ploidy
What triggers cytokinesis?
Inactivation of Cdk1
Rb Protein
Retinoblastoma…Involved in expression of genes required for cell cycle progression
Is product of tumor suppressor gene
p53 Protein
Stops cell cycle at G-1 checkpoint