Lecture 5 Flashcards
What % of Europe is urbanized?
-the more east you go, the less urbanized it is (~50%)
What 2 European cities are important on the world index?
How does Europe define what a city is?
Different ways of defining urban areas based on what country you are in (200 vs 15,000)
What are the 5 historical trends in urbanization?
- Classical period: greek roman times
- Medieval
- Renaissance
- Industrial
- Postwar divergence (market vs central planning based
What is the post war divergence?
between west and east. After war soviet union took easter europe. Western europe was free in a sence but iw as occupied by USA and the Americas
Why is Europe one of the original urban hearths?
Everyhwere else the european colonizers rearranged the urban environment of different countries. Built on the indigenous part or rebuilt new cities
Where was the first European city?
Mainland of Greece
When was the classical period?
(800 BCE to 450 CE)
Where were most cities in the classical period?
Greek cities were on the coast, and were more of a sea faring nation vs romans cities were inland more
-Quality of roman architects are still standing 2000 years later. Humans took apart the coliseum not they weather.
What was europs first megacity and what was it like?
Rome with 1 million people
• Not based on fossil fuels
• Well executed city, structures were well built
• Central markets/forums, aqueducts
• Did require resources from the outside, food brought in from north Africa, and gain shipped from mediterranean to Rome
What were roman cities in Europe like in the 2nd C.E?
Extensive network of roman cities around europe, but all the cities werent 1 million.
Romans connected all the cities with roads, and built up any of the towns to well functioning cities
When was the medieval period?
(450-1300 CE)
What happened to make the classical period end?
Classical period ended with the fall of Rome and western Europe disintegrated into feudalism (self sufficient, everyone doing their own thing) not too many people lived in cities.
-Only a few key trading centers
What happened after Roman cities disintegrated in the medival period?
- Roman cities disintigraded, if there are no resources to keep things going there is no energy, and revert back to a more agrarian lifestyle with minimal urbanc enters. This started to change from 1100-1200 on
- Low ratee of urbanization
When was the renaissance and baroque period?
(1300-1760 CE)
What happened in the renaissance and baroque period?
• Rebirth of European cities: time when feudal system become weaken and important citys become more important and assume more power, traded around the mediterranean and asia (like venice).
• First wave of explorers went around conquering parts of the world (portugese), ahgain the resources started to flow because of the conquering.
○ People making the buildings, pay people all need mooney to make it happen
When did the baroque period start and why was it important?
• Baroque period 1500 on there was enough resource from various colonies to build all these lavish architectural things
When was the industrial period?
(1760-1945 CE)
What happened in the industrial period?
- Europe birthplace of industrialization, creator of steam engine.
- Take off aorund 1800, england first country to go through industrialization
What is unique about the industrial period and where people would live?
• Cities are changed, and people don’t want to be in certain areas because of the pollution and byproducts.
○ Before well to do people lived in the centre but now with industrialization they didn’t want to be near all the growth and wanted to move outwards
• manufacturing have moved to southern and eastern countries (asia and africa)
When was the post war divergence?
What were the 2 divides in post war divergence?
East occupied by soviets and west occupied by the states. Union didn’t have much resources. Socialist countries wanted a central plan approach, what the central high ranking officials wanted. They built apartment blocks on huge scales and where most of the workers lived
- East: centrally planned cities with the central comity deciding where everything is going
- West: market forcces and the will of the people wher eveything was going to go/be built. More democratic nation