Lecture 5 (2) Flashcards
single period inventory model
One time purchasing decision (e.g. vendor selling t-shirts at a football game)
Seeks to balance the costs of inventory overstock and understock
Multi-period inventory models
Fixed-order quantity models
Event triggered (e.g. running out of stock)
Fixed-time period models
Time triggered (e.g. monthly sales by call sales representative)
Surplus cost (overage cost)
C0 per unit remaining at the end of the season
C0 = purchase cost - salvage value
Shortage cost (underage cost)
Cu per unit short at the end of the season
Cu = sales price - purchase cost
Expected total mismatch cost:
TC = C0Expected overage inentory + CuExpected underage inventory
Margin analysis: to optimally balance the cost of overstocking versus the cost of understocking
Increase the size of the order (Q) until
C0P(D<Q) = CuP(D>Q) –> C0P(D<Q) = Cu(1-p(D<Q))
The optimal probability that an additional unit will not be sold is:
P(D<Q) = Cu/Co + Cu
Balancing the risk and benefit of ordering a unit
Ordering one more unit increases the change of overage
Expected loss on the Qth unit = Co x F(Q)
F(Q) = Prob(Demand <Q)
The benefit/gain of ordering one more unit is the reduciton in the chance of underage
Expected gain on the Qth unit = Cu x(1-F(Q))
Balancing the risk and benefit of ordering a unit
As more units are ordered the expected benefit from ordering one unit decreases, while the expected loss of ordering one more unit increases. –> we are now looking for the point where the two functions cross.
Critical ratio formula
CR = Cu/Co+Cu
Let Q* be the optimal order quantity
F(Q*) =CR
where F is the cdf of demand
When the demand –N(myu,omega)
Find the z that corresponds to the critical ratio
Calculate optimal order Q* = myu (mean?)+ z*omega
THis is the quantity that minimizes total cost(=maximize profit)
ABC inventory classification
Classifying inventory according to some measure of importance and allocating control efforts accordingly (pareto principle)
A = very important (20% of the total items, about 80% of the total inventory costs)
B= mod. important (account for the other 80% of total items and only 20% of costs)
C = least important
Classification into ABC is usually based on
Single criterion
Demand (sales) value or demand (sales) volume
Classification into A-B-C is usually based on single criterion
* demand (sales) value or demand (sales) volume
* However, other factors should be taken into account as well
Item criticality
Required customer service
Multi dimensional ABC analysis
E.g. 2Way classification on sales volume and criticality
Use of composite, single criterion
Typically 20% A, 30% B and 50% C and same product availability (service level) for all
products but…
Organizations rely on inventory to balance supply and demand and to buffer uncertainties in the supply chain
Inventory can be one of the most expensive assets
Too much inventory –> excessive holding costs, tied capital etc
Too little inventory –> low custoer service, hhigh ordering costs
Newspaper model: optimal balances the cost of overstocking versus the cost cost of understocking for a single order period
Offers the optimal service level (probability of no stockout)
Maximizsed the expected profit
ABC analysis to prioritize monitoring efforts, set adequate (service) levels