Lecture 3 (2) Flashcards
product (demand) characteristics
Functional products have: Predictable demand, long product life, low inventory value, low product variety, high stock volume and low stock-out costs
Innovative products have: Unpredictable demand, short product life, high inventory value, high product variety, low volume and high stock-out costs
manufacturing (supply) process characteristics
Stable manufacturing supply process has: Few breakdowns, high process yield, few quality problems, many supply sources, few process changes and is dependable in lead time
Evolving manufacturing supply process has: Higher breakdowns, lower process yield, more quality problems, few supply resources, many process changes and is difficult to predict in lead time
Stable and functional manufacturing supply process characteristics
Efficient supply chain
e.g. grocery, basic apparel, food, oil and gas
Stable and innovative manufacturing supply process characteristics
Responsive supply chain
Fashion apparel, low-end computers, seasonal products
Evolving and functional manufacturing supply process characteristics
Risk-heding supply chain
E.g. Hydroelectric power, food dependent on weather
Evolving and innovative manufacturing supply process characteristics
Agile supply chain
e.g. cell phones, high end computers, semiconductors
Efficient (supply chain strategies)
Utilize strategies aimed at creating the highest cost efficiency
Non-value-added activities hsould be eliminated
scale economies are aimed
Optimization techniques are employed
Efficient, accurate and cost effective transmission of information is required
Risk-hedging supply chains
Utilize strategies aimed at pooling and sharing resources in a supply chain to share risk
Common in retailing
Real-time information sharing allows most cost-effective management of goods between partners sharing the inventory
Responsive supply chains (supply chain strategies)
utilize strategies aimed at being responsive and flexible
Built-to-order and mass customization processes are used
Agile supply chains (supply chain strategies)
Utilize strategies aimed at being responsive and flexible to customer needs
Risks of supply shortages or disruptions are hedged by pooling inventory and other capacity resources
Combine the strength of hedged and responsive chains
moving some of a firms internal activities and decision responsibility to outside provider s
Not only the activities, but the resources that make that activity possible, go out of the company
Responsibility over certain elements is transferred as well
Allows a company to create a competitive advantage while reducing cost
An entire function may be outsourced, or some elements of an activity may be outsources, with the rest kept in-house
Identify a function as a potential outsourcing target, and then breaking that function into its components, allows decision makers to determine which activities are strategic and should remain in-house and which can be outsourced
Reasons to outsource and benefits (financial)
Improve return on assets by reducing inventory and selling unnecessary assets
Generate cash by selling low-return entities
Gain access to new markets, particularly in developing countries
Reduce costs through lower cost structure
Turn fixed costs into variable costs
Reaonsons to outsource and benefits (improvement)
Improve quality and productivity
Shorten cycle time
Obtain expertise, skills and technologies that are otherwise unavailable
Improve risk management
Improve credibility and image by associating with superior providers
Reasons to outsource and benefits (organizational)
Improve effectiveness by focusing on what the firm does best
Increase felxidbility to meet changing demand for products and services
Increase product and service value by improving response to customer needs
Management functions taht support the complete cycle of material flow from the purchase and internal control of production materials; to the planning and control of work in process to the purchasing, shipping, and distribution of the finished product
Logistics providers have shifted from simply moving products from one point to another
Logistics providers have shifted from simply moving products form one point to another
Trackings of shipements
Customer notification
Risk and variability reduction