lecture 5 Flashcards
lecture 5 material
Why even study freud?
Despite criticisms, Freud’s ideas have significantly influenced psychology, offering
foundational insights into the mind and human motivation.
● Psychoanalysis inspired the development of various therapeutic techniques and theories in psychology.
● Freud introduced key concepts such as the unconscious, defense mechanisms, and the idea of developmental stages, which continue to shape psychological research and practice
Freud’s background
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a medical doctor, practiced in Vienna, Austria, from the 1890s to the 1930s.
● He fled to London due to the Nazi occupation of Austria as he was Jewish.
● Freud’s theories emphasized the aggressive, destructive urges within humans, reflecting on the impacts of war.
What were freuds influences?
- Darwins theory of evolution
- Herman Helmholtz conservation of energy (libido)
- Jean Charcots hypnosis and hysteria
- Joesef Bruer worked with him after returning from France; used cathartic method and co-authored studies in hysteria in which introduced Anna O
How did the ‘talking cure’ become a theraputic device?
after freud won a scholarship to france and met Anna O
- upper middle class woman who developed hysteria
- went into a trance like state; freud wrote words down, turns out the words brought back bad memories
- talk-therapy began
- talking about painful memories improved symptoms
- thus began the talking cure
- Core to Freud’s psychotherapeutic contribution, becoming central to many schools of psychotherapy.
● Freud believed discussing problems helped by rationalizing them and providing
emotional support during self-discovery.
What is psychic determinisim?
- agencies of personality are unconscious
- everything that happens in a persons mind (thinking and doing) has a cause; everything happens for a reason
- This principle implies that behaviors and thoughts are not accidental and can reveal underlying unconscious motivations.
○ Example: Forgetting someone’s name might reveal underlying feelings about that person.
basically free will does not exist
What is your minds internal structure?
Id, ego, and super ego
- irrational and emotional; pleasure
- unconscious
- rational, reality
- moderates between id and superego
- makes sure you are socially acceptable
- conscious, preconscious, unconscious
- morality principle; produces guilt
- will not allow you to be morally wrong
- following morals = satisfaction
- conscious, preconscious, unconscious
preconscious is something you are not aware of, but are able to recall
What is psychic conflict?
- internal structures of mind are constantly at conflict with each other which requires compromises
- the mind conflicts with itself
- ego
- conflict of mind, struggles, battles shape personality, and determines thoughts, feelings and actions; basically making compromises=builds personality
What is mental energy?
- psychological part of the mind requires energy to function
- libido mental or psychic energy
- fixed and finite; cannot be created nor destroyed
- if used on one activity, less available for others
- when invested in intra-psychic conflicts; not available for creative pursuits
- ego depletion
- is the active self a limited resource
- people who spend more mental energy on something twice depletes it faster; being told not to eat a cookie gave up on solving a puzzle faster (wasted energy trying to not eat the cookie)
- if its all used by ego and superego
- is the active self a limited resource
What is the dual instinct theory?
Freud’s concept of life and death instincts (Eros and Thanatos):
- Eros (Life Instinct): Drives love, creativity, and survival.
- Thanatos (Death Instinct): Drives aggression, risky behavior, and an
unconscious desire to return to an inanimate state.
These opposing forces are believed to influence human behavior, creativity, and
What is freuds theory of psychosexual development?
- personality development and neurosis
- earlier writing libido, known as sexual energy
- later, energy with all constructive human activity; more like eros
- how libido gets invested and directed at each developmental stage
- psychological issues not resolves, or ened are not met, at each estage leads to fixation
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
What is the oral stage of psychosexual development?
0-18 months
Erogenous zone
- mouths, lips, tongue
Psychological theme
- dependency; babies are dependent on parents to survive
- id
Possible problems
- babies needs are either ignored (mistrust) , indulged, or over indulged (unable to become independent)
Adult charcter type
- oral
- very independent; dont want help from anyone
- or
- cant help themselves; are surprised when things go wrong when they didnt try to prevent it
What is the anal stage of psychosexual development?
18- 3 years
Erogenous zone
- Anus/ elimination organs
Psychological theme
- self control; potty training
- ego
Possible problems
- overly lax training, or overly harsh training
Adult charcter type
- anal
- overly submissive to authority; control freak
- or
- overly defiant to authority; disorganized and chaotic
What is the phallic stage of psychosexual development?
3- 7 years
Erogenous zone
- sex organs
Psychological theme
- Development of morality, conscience, gender roles, sexuality.
- superego
Possible problems
- Unresolved oedipus, electra complex, and penis envy
Adult charcter type
- Phallic:
- asexual vs promiscuous
What is the latency stage of psychosexual development?
7 years - puberty
Erogenous zone
- none ig
Psychological theme
- Psychological respite, learning and cognitive development
Possible problems
- none ig
Adult charcter type
- none ig
What is the genital stage of psychosexual development?
puberty through adulthood
Erogenous zone
- genitals; reproduction/giving life
Psychological theme
- Maturity, enhancement of life, contributing
to society
Possible problems
- if earlier stages resolved, easy to
develop in this stage.
- Infrequent fixations may cause sexual perversions
Adult charcter type
- ability to love and work as a mature adult