Lecture 38 Flashcards
What are the two types of cholinergic drugs?
cholinergic agonists and cholinergic antagonists
What are the two types of cholinergic agonists?
direct acting- bind to and activate
indirect acting- inhibit
What are the direct effects of ACh on the cardiovascular system?
- vasodilation (M3)
- decrease in cardio rate (M2)
- decrease in the rate of conduction by SA and AV nodes (M2)
- decrease force in contraction (M2)
How does a low dose of ACh impact the cardiovascular system?
A fall in blood pressure, but tachycardia occurs in response
How does a high does of ACh impact the cardiovascular system?
leads to a fall in blood pressure (M3) and bradycardia (M2)
How does ACh impact the vasculature?
release of NO and vasodilation
lower BP
How does ACh impact the eye?
How does ACh impact the ciliary muscle?
accommodation of lens to near vision
How does ACh impact glands?
increase secretion
how does ACh impact the bronchi?
how does ACh impact the heart?
decreased heart rate and conduction velocity
how does ACh impact the GI?
increased peristalic activity and relaxtion of sphincters
how does ACh impact the bladder?
Contraction of detrusor muscle; relaxation of
What does atropine do?
a muscarinic antagonist
If muscarinic effects are blocked by a muscarinic antagonist such as atropine, large doses of acetylcholine produce nicotinic effects:
Vasoconstriction and increase in blood pressure
What are the two kinds of direct-acting cholinergic agonists?
- esters of choline
2. alkaloids
What are examples of choline esters?
- acetylcholine
- methacholine
- bethanechol
About choline esters?
they are quaternary ammoniums
poorly absorbed and distributed into the CNS
ACh is very rapid hydorlyzed
meth and beth are more resistant to hydrolysis
A muscarinic receptor and nicotinic agonist
used to produce an miosis effect during cataract surgery or other procedures where miosis is needed
muscarinic agonist
- postoperative urinary retention
- atony of the bladder
Muscarinic agonist
Diagnosis of bronchial airway hyperreactivity in
subjects who do not have clinically apparent
What are the natural alkaloids (direct acting)?
- pilocarpine
2. nicotine
partial muscarinic agonist
tertiary amine
stable to hydrolysis by ACh enzyme
dry mouth due to radiotherapy