Lecture 33+34+DLA Flashcards
respect for persons
Show fidelity to patient; show respect for
patient dignity and autonomy
Act in patient interest
Avoid harm to patient
Balance benefit & harm
Be fair (distribution, procedures, respect, equity)
duty based or deontological
Act in ways that fulfil your moral obligations
outcome based or consequential
Act in ways that maximize outcomes
virtue based
Act from virtuous character and intention
Group 1 virus
can be enveloped or not have an envelope
double stranded DNA
replicate in the nucleus
herpes virus replication cycle
group 1 virus
- immediate early protein synthesis to take over cell
- the target is the genome: DNA poly
- late proteins are structural; form a capsid
group II viruses
can be - or + sense
single stranded DNA
replicate in the nucleus
group III viruses
RNA genome
RNA dependent polymerase
Group IV viruses
can be enveloped or non-enveloped
have + sense ssRNA
replication happens in the cyto
the + sense is converted into a - sense
Group V viruses
are enveloped and contain - sense
can be segmented or non-segmented
have their own RNA dependent RNA poly
produce a + sense
Group VI viruses
are enveloped and contain two identical (diploid) copies of (+ve) sense, ssRNA genome
replication occurs in the nucleus and they use reverse transcriptase
Group VII viruses
enveloped, dsDNA viruses containing apartial ssDNA overhang
Antigenic drift
evolution due to small changes in the genome
sequence within a define strain which usually occurs at a slower rate compared to antigenic shift
Antigenic shift
resulting in exchange (reassortment) of RNA
segments between two different influenza viruses that
subsequently gives rise to a highly pathogenic
usually segmented viruses
Phenotypic mixing or transcapsidation
a non-genetic interaction
interaction in which virus particles released from a cell that is infected with two different viruses have
components from both the infecting agents, but with a genome from one of them
non -genetic interaction in which nucleocapsid of one virus acquires envelope from another type of virus.
parts of justice
procedural justice = fairness of law
distributive justice = criteria of distribution (goods, harms)
social justice = improve conditions for those not so well off
elements of respect for persons
fidelity = loyalty, keeping promises
autonomy = individual capacity of choice
veracity = truth telling
avoidance of killing = withholding and withdrawing treatment
Patient centered care
- attention to needs and individual
- empathy
- information
- dignity
positive rights
require actions!
justice (be fair)
acknowledge patient preferences
negative rights
do not require actions
protect privacy
avoid killing
avoid harming
the four limitations to patient autonomy
the harm principle
diminished capacity or autonomy
public health protections
Therapeutic privilege
Justifies withholding information when it poses a serious psychological threat
Competent patients have the right to refuse treatment
Utility = beneficence + nonmaleficence
Utility tells us to act to maximize the net benefits in light of their probabilities, severities of harm, value to the patient, and reasonable alternatives