Lecture 3: Overview of Research Flashcards
what forms can mixed methods research take
- designs that prioritize either one or both quantitative and qualitatuve methods
- designs in whcih quantitative and qualitative methods are conducted simultaneously or one following the other
- larger programs or research combining quantitative and qualitative research studies
if only qualitative research studies were conducted, what would be wrong?
we would only see how people are affected, and not how many or how common.
what are the components of a research design?
- research approach and methods employed in a study are inherently linked
- there are several decisions to make and steps to take when planning and designing a research study
what are the steps in the research process?
- identify the research topic
- ask a research question (most time spent)
- conduct a literature review
- refine the research question
- define the concepts
- create the measures
- determine a method / approach
- collect the data
- analyze the data
- interpret the results
- communicate the findings
- conceptualizing the study –> designing the study –> conducting the study –> knowledge mobilization
what does a researchers philosophical worldview mean?
a set of beliefs related to the general orientation of the world and the nature of research
- dictates what a researcher believes “counts” as knowledge
- permeates the entire research process from beginning to end
what is ontology and epistemology?
ontology: the thought of “what’s out there to know?”
epistemology: someone’s belief about how we acquire knowledge about truth and reality
- ontology is about WHAT there is, while epistemology is about HOW we come to know and understand what there is
what is the word for singular for data?
how does the ontological worldview and epistemological worldview differ in a research context?
it differs fundamentally. it makes and defines your approach to research. its based on how you see the world and how you are going to go about studying the world.
what are the four worldviews that are common in literature identified by creswell in 2014?
- postpositicism
- constructivism
- pragmatism
- transformative
what is two-eyed seeing?
is an increasingly common and important worldview in, and stemming from, indigenous health research
- incorporated western and indigenous approach to understanding the world that we live in
what worldview has inherent _____. ?
- update: idk wtf im asking here.
assumptions about knowledge that drive the research approach and distinct methods or procedures used in research
what is postpositivism?
“there is a single reality or objective truth”
- includes assumptions of determinism and reductionism(break into parts to simplify and research those)
- build on positivism
what is reductionism?
- reduce to simple parts for easier research
what is constructivism?
- based on the notion that multiple realities ecist and that meaning is varied and complex
EX. both us may see purple, but is it the same purple?
what is pragmatism
- about getting things done
- premised on the idea that researchers need to be concerned with solutions to problems
what is transformative?
- focused on trying to make change in the world
- researchers focus on reform and change to better the lives of participants
two-eyed seeing is rooted in what belief?
that there are many ways of understanding the world, some represented by indigenous knowledge systems and others by european-derived sciences
- reflects the “bringing together” or knowledge
why is philosophcal worldviews as guiding frameworks of research important?
- what “counts” as knowledge to researchers will influence their entire program of research
- including their research approach, strategy of inquiry and methods used