Lecture 12: Qualitative Study Designs Flashcards
What informs the necessity to use either a qualitative or quantitative design (or sometimes both)?
having a well-defined research question
what are the key features of qualitative research?
- researchers are key instruments and play a central integral role in generating data (and collection)
- use of the term “data generation” rather than “data collection” because that emphasizes the way researchers play an important role with participants to generate data
- data generation in qualitative research happens in a natural setting rather than a controlled environment but sometimes we may use the challenge of a controlled environment
- emergent
- need for flexibility
what does “emergent” mean?
when the research process can change over the course of the study
- revisions are made until the research is satisfied that the direction taken affords the greatest potential for discovery, meaningful answers to questions posed, or the generation of new hypotheses (or questions)
when is a qualitative research design clarified?
not until data collection ends
- it evolves
- what may start as a case study may develop into a design that more closely resembles a phenomenological study
qualitative study designs is an overarching term that includes?
- philosophical worldviews
- strategy of inquiry
- methods (data generation and data analysis)
what are all the qualitative strategies of inquiry?
it is nearly impossible to identify them all
what shapes how researchers understand reality, construct knowledge and interpret data?
philosophical worldviews
what influences every aspect of the research process, including the formulation of RQs, data collection, analysis techniques, and interpretation of findings?
philosophical worldviews
what is strategy of inquiry?
specific approaches or procedures used to conduct research
each strategy of inquiry has defining features as well as common process that shape how the researcher?
- interacts with participants
- gathers information
- generates data
- and builds understanding
what are the six common strategies of inquiry for qualitative kinesiology research?
- Narrative
- Ethnography
- Phenomenology
- Case study
- Qualitative Description
- Grounded Theory
the strategies of inquiry guide?
the methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation
what is the narrative strategy of inquiry?
- focuses on the stories of individuals where people describe their life experiences
the stories of individuals used in the narrative strategy of inquiry are used to?
bring understanding or meaning to the lived experiences of individuals
- individual stories serve as a representation of broader social experiences
the stories of individuals used in the narrative strategy of inquiry can be analyzed how?
in great depth or stand alone as a description of experience(s)
what are the specific forms of narrative inquiry?
- life history
- oral history
what is life history in narrative inquiry?
- depicts the entire life of an individual
what is oral history in narrative inquiry?
- collection of memories that hold historical significance that can be shared by one or multiple individuals
- important in communities like indigenous populations, where storytelling preserves and teaches historical knowledge across generations
stories are typically generated through?
in-depth and unstructured interviews
- observations and participant journaling may also be used
what are we trying to capture and reveal in a narrative inquiry?
capture the participants voice and reveal themes that deepen our understanding of the phenomenon under investigation
what is the outcome of a narrative inquiry?
a researcher-generated story (a retelling) that answers ‘how’ and ‘what’ questions about the life story and meaningful experiences that have implications for others
what is “restorying” of narrative inquiry?
you collect the raw data, find the person listening to the persons entire life history, identify themes, uncover important sequences, and then restructure and retell the story in a way that brings out deeper meanings that will help better your research question or give more insight
what is an ethnography? (strategy of inquiry)
we are trying to understand cultures or a cultural group better
- we want to describe and interpret shared features of a cultural group such as behaviors, values and beliefs
how do researchers traditionally study cultures that are vastly different from their own?
immerse themselves in “exotic” cultures
- helps to understand the social and cultural aspects of a group by immersing in their lives/natural settings
what are the forms of ethnography?
- critical ethnography
- autoethnography
what is critical ethnography?
- includes a political agenda and some form of advocacy for underrepresented populations
what is autoethnography?
- study of one’s own culture, about a topic of great personal relevance, situating experiences within the social context
- requires deep reflection on both one’s unique experiences and the universal within oneself
- it combines elements of both ethnography and narrative inquiry, making it a form or self-narrative
what is the primary process used for data generation in ethnography?
- participant observation
- interviews and documents (poetry, art, personal journals) may also be used to generate data
what is a key thing to understand about an ethnographic strategy of inquiry?
it requires extensive amount of time in the field
- may be months and ongoing
why does an ethnographic strategy of inquiry take so much time?
patterns of behavior, language, and ideas evolve over time, and the ethnographer needs to examine how these patterns develop and become established within a group
what is the strategy of inquiry, phenomenology?
the study of a phenomenon or a concept through the exploration of lived experiences
- interested in a group of people’s lived experiences
all strategies of inquiry are influences by researchers philosophical worldviews, but which one has particularly strong philosophical roots?
what is the focus of phenomenology?
to reduce individual differences and come up with some universal/common themes
what are the forms of phenomenology?
- interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA)
- empirical phenomenology