LECTURE 3 Flashcards
____ the attractive force of an element for a shared pair of electrons in a molecule.
– Trend
• Non Metals form ____ by gaining electron high electronegativity
• Metals form ____ by losing electron low electronegativity
•Increases from ____ along the period
• ____ from top to bottom in groups or families
Left to right
– Have the same number of electrons,
thus, they have the same electronic
– Differs in the nuclear charges
Isoelectronic species
- The amount of energy released or absorbed when an electron is added to an atom to form
a negative ion
– A measure of the attraction of an atom for an electron or the atom’s tendency to form a negative ion
Electron affinity
– Is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom.
– Trend
• ____ from top to bottom in groups and families
•_____ from left to right (with some irregularities
Ionization energy
Gradual increase
– Specific patterns that are present in the periodic table that illustrate different aspects of a certain element
Periodic properties of elements
Classification of Elements by block
– ____ Elements/Metals (B Group)
• Also known as ____ elements
• Characterized by their electrons filling the d orbital
– _____ element
• Also known as ____ Elements
• Characterized by their electron filling the f orbital
Transition elements
D- transition
Inner transition elements
F- transition
– ____ (Group 8A)
• Also known as ____
because no chemical reactions
were known for them
– _____ Elements (A Group)
• Their last Electron is assigned to
an outer shell s or p orbital
Noble gases
Inert gases
Representative elements
____ States that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties
show a periodic pattern
• ____
– Each rows are called ____
– Each column are called ___ or
Families which shares similar chemical properties
Periodic law
Periodic table
_____Assignment of all of the electrons in an atom into specific shells and subshells
– Designation
•____ = principal quantum number, n
•____ = angular quantum number, (s, p, d or f)
• _____ = superscript number
Electron configuration
Number of electrons
No ____ electrons can occupy one
____occupy the lowest possible energy sublevels; they enter a higher sublevel only when the lower sublevels are filled._
____ in a given sublevel of equal energy are each occupied by a single electron before a second electron enters them.
More than two
– Is primarily based on the
wave properties of matter
and it describes the behaviour of very small particles
Quantum mechanics
____ an atom or a group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge
– Classified as:
• ____ – an ion with a positive net charge
• ____ – an ion with a negative net charge
___Elements that consist of different masses.
a given element contain the same number of protons ( and also the same number of electrons) because they are atoms of the same element
– They only differ in mass because they have different number of neutrons
• ____ – no. of proton in the nucleus of
an atom.
• No. of ____ = No. of Electron (atoms have the
same no. of proton and electron)
* ____. = total no. of proton and neutron
= no. of p + no. of n
= whole no. which is closest to the
atomic mass
Atomic number
Mass no.
Each Element Differs from the preceding element by
having one more positive charge in its nucleus The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
determines its identity
Atomic number
____ An uncharged particle with a
mass slightly greater than
that of the proton
_____ discovered
neutron by correctly
interpreting an experiment
from the bombardment of
beryllium with high-energy
alpha particle
James chadwick
_____ observed
that a cathode-ray tube
generates a stream of
positively charged particles
____established that alpha
particles are positively
charged particles from his
scattering experiment
Eugen Goldstein
Ernest Rutherford
– ____ coined this
subatomic particle as
electron and determined the
ratio of the charge of the
electron to its mass
– _____ determined
the actual charge of an
electron using Oil-Drop
J.j. thomson
Robert millikan
____ – Greek “____” – shining beam
- negatively charged subatomic
- value of - 1
- discovered by an English
____ observed the properties of a
____ – the glowing beam which travels
from the cathode to the anode.
Joseph john thomson
Cathode ray
Received the Nobel Prize in
chemistry in 1911 for her
experiments on radioactivity that
led to the discovery of new
elements like Polonium and
Marie curie
French physicist who was
awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1903 for discovering
radioactivity in uranium
Henri becquerel
In a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged to form new compounds; they are not created,
destroyed, nor changed into atoms of any other element.
Atomic theory
Atoms of different elements combine with each other in certain whole-number proportions to
form compounds.
Atomic theory
- Atoms of different elements combine with each other in certain whole-number proportions to
form compounds.
Atomic theory
All atoms of a particular element are identical but the atoms of one element differ from the atoms of any other element.
Atomic theory
All Matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms.
Atomic theory
Regarded as the “father of
atomic theory” in recognition of
the importance of his work to the
development of chemical
John dalton
the smallest particle of an element that remains the
properties of that element
Greek word “____ ” meaning
____ a Greek who
first expressed the idea about what matter is made
of. Matter is made of tiny indivisible particles called
Atoms were indivisible, indestructible, fundamental
units of matter.
– Can be thought of how strongly an atom holds onto its outermost electron
Ionization energy
Three isotopes of hydrogen
Also referred to as electron shells
- a region in space which the probability finding an electron is high
Energy levels
A subdivision of the Electron shells
Energy sublevels
Region in space where there is a significant probability pf finding a particular Electron
- Sometimes referred to as electron cloud
Atomic orbital
Specific patterns that are present in the periodic table that illustrate different aspects of a certain element
Periodic trends
Primarily the radius of an element
• Increase from top to bottome along a group or family
Atomic radius
PERIODIC TREND, PERIOD(from left to right) , GROUP (Top to bottom)
1. Atomic radius
2. ionization energy
3. electron affinity
4. Ionic size
5. Electronegativity
Decrease – increase
Gradual increase — decrease
Increase — decrease
0 —0
Increase — decrease
conducted experiments
similar to Thomson but only in opposite
direction called “canal rays”
Eugen Goldstein
was given
the honor of discovering the positively charged
Ernest Rutherford
Greek word for protons “____” meaning
Travel from the Anode, through the holes in the cathode, and impact the wall of the tube
Canal rays
The size of an atoms ion
Ionic size