Lecture 2b: Types of Cancer's and Tumor Classification Flashcards
3 categories of tumor classification hierarchy
I. Differentiation state
II. Embryonic origin
III. Biological behavior
3 categories of the differentiation state
- Epithelial
- Non-epithelial
- Mixed
2 categories of biological behavior in tumor classification
- Benign
- Malignant
3 categories of embryonic origin
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
6 major categories from a histological standpoint.
- Carcinoma
- Sarcoma
- Myeloma
- Leukemia
- Lymphoma
- Mixed Types
Malignant neoplasm of epithelial origin or cancer of the internal or external lining of the body. Account for 80-90 of all cancer cases.
Extracellular matrix: Collagen, proteins, non-cellular
Architecture of epithelial tissues
Mature differentiated epithelial cells exposed at the epithelium surface, underlying are less differentiated epithelial cells. Beneath this layer lies the basement membrane.
Squamous cell carcinomas
Tumors that arise from epithelia forming protective cell layers (large sheets of cells to seal a cavity or protect underlaying cell populations)
Tumors that arise from specialized epithelial cells that secrete substances into the ducts or cavities they line. The secreted products are used to protect the epithelial cell layers from the content of the cavities that they surround.
Epithelial tumors are classified based on the ______ & ________________ of the epithelia.
Shape, Biological function
Protection mechanism of the epithelium
Secretion of mucopolysaccharides from glandular cells in the epithelia.
Mesenchymal tumors
A dedifferentiated, high-grade spindle cell carcinoma.
Tumors of non-epithelial origin
-1% of the tumors encountered in oncology clinics
-Derived from mesenchymal cell typtes
-Originates in supportive and connective tissue such as bones, tendons, cartilage, muscle, and fat.
4 mesenchymal cell types
-Fibroblasts and related connective tissue: Cell types that secrete collage, extracellular matrix. Present in tendons and bones
-Adipocytes (Fat cells)
-Osteoblasts (Bone)
-Myocytes (Muscle)
Hematopoietic Malignancies
-Cancers of non-epithelial origin
-Arise from various cell types that constitute the blood-forming tissues, including the immune system; ethrythrocytes, plasma cells, T&B cells.
-Cells derive from the embryonic mesoderm
Malignant derivatives from several hematopoietic lineage.
Lymphoma (And types)
Malignant tumors of the lymphoid lineage
-B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes
Lymphocytic leukemia
When the cancer develops in the lymphocytes (lymphoid cells)
Myelogenous leukemia
When the cancer develops in the granulocytes or monocytes (myeloid cells)
Acute lymphocytic leukemias (ALL)
80% arise from B-cells (80%) and T-cells (20%). Origin from pre B-cells
5 Hematopoietic Malignancies
A. Acute lymphocytic leukemias
B. Acute myelogenous leukemia
C. Erythroleukemia
D. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
E. Multiple myeloma
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
Have only small cytoplasm around the nucleus. Derive from precursor cells of granulocytes and monocytes
Large erythroblasts resembling differentiated erythrocytes.
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
A variety of leukemic cells of the myeloid (marrow) lineage, suggesting the differentiation of myeloid stem cells into several distinct cell types
Multiple myeloma (MM)
Plasma cells of the B-cell lineage which produces antibodies. Myeloma causes structural bone damage and risks bone fractures
Neuroectodermal tumors
-Major group of non-epithelial tumors that arise from cells that form various components of the central and peripheral nervous system.
-Named from the embryonic origin in the neuro-ectotherm layer
-Highly aggressive tumor
Most common embryonal tumors are _____________
Melanocytes and Melanomas
Melanocytes: Derive from highly invasive, multi-potent embryonic cell population termed the neural crest.
Mixed-Atypical tumor types
Tumors that do not fit into the major classifications
Derived from melanocytes (Pigmented cells of skin and retina)
Small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLCs)
SCLCs contain cells with neurosecretory characteristics, such as those of neural crest and in the adrenal gland.
Contains cells resembling embryonic stem cells. Can contain many different types of tissue including bone, muscle, teeth, and hair. Can be benign or malignant.
Three critical determinants of cancer biology.
-Embryonic tissue-of-origin and normal cell-off-origin of the tumor.
-The phenotype of the cell that has undergone transformation
-The extent of progression to a highly malignant state.
Embryonal tumors of the central nervous system
Cancerous (Malignant) tumors that start in the fetal cells in the brain. Can occur at any age but occur most often in babies and young children.
Glial cell in the CNS believed to be a precursor of astrocytomas and glioblastomas.
Neuroectotherm tumors arising from oligodendrocytes, nonneural cells that support and insulate the acons of the CNS.