Lecture 29- Cornell's Neutrality Plan Flashcards
the Kyoto Now! Student Organization protested in front of Day Hall and after 3 days, Cornell agreed to reduce carbon emissions consistent with the Kyoto Protocol
original target date for carbon neutral
recognizing the urgent need for climate action leadership, the faculty senate passed a resolution calling for the target date to be 2035
- lake source cooling (since 2000)
- earth source heating
- solar farms/ wind farms
- combination of everything
earth source heat (ESH)
uses deep earth source (4-6 km)
ground source heat pump (GSHP)
uses shallow ground source (400-500 feet)
biomass combustion
generate heat during peak loads
- small modular reactor to generate heat and electricity - back up plan if earth source doesn’t work out
reduced CO2 emissions by — since 2008
36% since 2008 and 50% relative to 1998
what has already been done
- more than 40,000 solar panels on 5 solar farms
- provides 7% of campus electricity
- earth source heat test well
- ground source heat evaluations
- renewable power projects (wind and solar)
- begin earth source heat if viable (5-7 well pairs)
- else, begin ground source heat pumps (geothermal heat pumps) and other new energy plans
reach carbon neutral
quadruple bottom line decision making
- can we generate enough renewable energy to operate the campus?
- is it affordable?
- will it help with climate change?
- the living laboratory
point 1
the cornell climate action plan got its start by students raising their voices for what was socially just to their generation and future generations
point 2
the 2035 Climate Action Plan continues a longstanding Cornell tradition of recognizing the socially just thing to do well and then acting on it