Lecture 15- Ocean Primary Production I Flashcards
why study primary production?
- Base of the food web
- Essential element of the global carbon cycle
- Represents half of the total global photosynthesis
why is the global carbon a big topic?
it is closely related to our global warming problem
consumes carbon dioxide gas to form the particulate carbon of algae
by all organisms produces carbon dioxide gas
difference between photosynthesis and respiration by all of the organisms
is what sinks to the ocean floor
half of oxygen comes from
photosynthesis in the ocean
global carbon cycle- atmosphere
global carbon cycle- respiration and decay
global carbon cycle- lithosphere
small organisms that drift with the ocean currents
small cells (often single cells but sometimes chains or colonies of many cells) that contain chlorophyll and drift with ocean currents
glucose from photosynthesis
serves as the energy source for all subsequent biochemical reactions
Photosynthesis only depends on
the availability of water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight
Primary production of photosynthesis requires
the uptake of plant nutrients for the construction of complex molecules that are needed to form new cellular components
magnitude of the primary production
depends on the availability of essential plant nutrients as well as sunlight
Net Primary Production (NPP)
- difference between the amount of CO2 consumed by photosynthesis and the amount of CO2 produced by respiration
- also known as the net gain or net loss of carbon within the cell