Lecture 27: Understanding Study Results Cont'd Flashcards
what are indications of how large risks are? (4)
- Absolute risk increase (ARI)
- Relative Risk (RR)
- Relative Risk Increase (RRI)
- Number Needed to Harm (NNH)
Absolute risk
how to calculate?
§ Report the risk of swelling & ischemia in the treatment group (i.e., EER)
§ Report the risk of swelling & ischemia in the control group (i.e., CER)
EER = a/a+b CER = c/c+d
Absolute Risk Increase (ARI)
how to calculate?
- Difference between the proportion who had an event in treatment group and the proportion who had an event in control group
- ARI = c/c+d – a/a+b
Absolute Risk Increase (ARI)
= 0.01
Wearing compression stockings increased
the absolute risk of getting swelling/ischemia by 1%
Number Needed to Harm (NNH)
how to calculate?
• The number of patients who must receive the therapy for one additional patient to be be harmed during a specific period of time
• Related to the ARI
§ NNH = 1/ARI
§ NNH = 1/0.01
§ NNH = 100
Number Needed to Harm (NNH)
= 100
You need to treat 100 patients with
compression stockings for the duration of their trip to produce
1 extra episode of swelling/ulceration
Relative Risk (RR)
how to calculate?
Relative Risk = EER/CER
= 2/100
- RR = 0.02 / 0.01
- RR = 2
Relative Risk (RR) = 2
§ The risk of developing swelling/ischemia was 2 times greater in those who wore compression stockings
§ The risk of developing swelling/ischemia was doubled by compression stockings
Relative Risk Increase (RRI)
how to calculate?
An estimate of the proportion of baseline risk that is added by the therapy § RRI = (EER – CER)/CER § RRI = (0.02 – 0.01)/0.01 § RRI = 1
• Alternatively RRI = RR-1 = 2-1 = 1 (expressed as 100%)
Relative Risk Increase (RRI)
= 1
Compression stockings increased the risk of
edema/ischemia by 100%.
odds ratio for risk
how to calculate
OR = ad/bc
= 299/981
= 2.02
eg. The odds of leg ischemia was doubled
Absolute measure used for
Reduces A BAD Event
Increases a BAD event
Increases a GOOD event
Reduces A BAD Event: Absolute Risk Reduction
Increases a BAD event: Absolute Risk Increase
Increases a GOOD event: Absolute Benefit Increase
relative measure used for
Reduces A BAD Event
Increases a BAD event
Increases a GOOD event
relative risk for all
odds ratio for all
relative CHANGE measure used for
Reduces A BAD Event
Increases a BAD event
Increases a GOOD event
Reduces A BAD Event: relative Risk Reduction
Increases a BAD event: relative Risk Increase
Increases a GOOD event: relative Benefit Increase
numbers needed to ______ measure used for
Reduces A BAD Event
Increases a BAD event
Increases a GOOD event
Reduces A BAD Event: Number Needed to Treat
Increases a BAD event: Number Needed to Harm
Increases a GOOD event: Number Needed to Treat
what 2 NNT limitations are there?
- Baseline Risk - NNT Depends Heavily On Baseline Risk
2. Time Frame - NNT is an Inherently Time Dependent Measure
- Baseline Risk - NNT Depends Heavily On Baseline Risk
high risk patients and low risk pts - if they have the same RRR, the NNT for high risk patients is much lower
eg. NNT is 10 for high risk and 200 for low risk pts
Relative risks - don’t need to know characteristics of a pop that much
Absolute risk and NNT highly sensitive to baseline risk
- Time Frame - NNT is an Inherently Time Dependent Measure
• The NNT depends on WHEN the outcomes are counted
• Are these NNTs all equal?
§ 30 over 5 years
§ 150 over 1 year
§ 15 over 10 years
• NNTs become more impressive (i.e., decrease) as the
duration of follow-up increases
Talk about 10 years for more impressive NNT
when is RRR best used?
When people do not specify what they are talking
§ e.g., Drug therapy was 30% effective in reducing the risk of death
§ …Likely talking about RRR as it gives the most “impressive” numbers
§ The relative efficacy of drug therapies is often similar across patient subgroups
at different risk & usually is assumed to be constant over time.
• Applying across diseases, various time points, personalizing risk
Communicating with health care providers; not ideal for
communicating with patients
what’s best for communicating with patients?
EER, CER, ARR, NNT: All highly dependent on baseline risk & time point!