Health Beliefs and Behaviours - Part 1 Flashcards
Why use theory?
- Synthesis: pull together learning from prior research
- Prevent “inventing the wheel”
- Allows for testing and refuting of ideas within a scientific dialogue
What is Theory?
A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables in order to explain or predict the events.
What is Theory made of ?
Made of concepts or building blocks
What are the 2 concepts in theory?
- Constructs
- Variables
What concepts are specific to a theory?
What concepts are used in a study or application of the theory?
set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and
propositions that present a systematic view of events or situations by specifying relations among variables in
order to explain or predict the events
what is this?
Made of concepts or building blocks
● Constructs are concepts specific to a theory
● Variables are concepts used in a study or application
of the theory
What are the 4 Worldviews?
- Postpositivism
- Constructivism
- Transformative / Critical
- Pragmatism
Describe Postpositivism (3)
- Scientific method
- Test Cause and effect
- Uses observation and measurement
Describe Constructivism (3)
- Seeks to understand the world
- Multiple perspectives/meanings based on social context
- Theory generation
we believe there’s multiple ways of interpreting the world and that we develop meaning based on our context
Describe Transformative / Critical (4)
- Political
- Power and justice oriented
- Collaborative
- Change oriented
Describe Pragmatism (3)
- Problem centred
- Choose the worldview and research approach suited to the problem
- Real-world oriented
What are the 7 Guiding Principles for the Application of Theory to Med Use?
- There is no single theory that is appropriate for all med use research
- Behavioral science theories are probabilistic, not deterministic
- Health behavior must be defined precisely to influence it.
- Many factors outside of pt control influence pt med use
- Every patient is unique
- Patient motivation is a fundamental ingredient
- Health care providers can have a profound effect on patient med use
What is Sick Role?
Behaviours expected of a person defined as sick.
What are the Rights of Sick Role? (2)
- Freedom from blame for illness
- Exemption from normal roles and tasks
What are the Duties of Sick Role? (2)
- Intend to get well
- Cooperate with health care professionals
What are the Problems of Sick Role? (4)
- The sick role is not necessarily temporary
- The sick role is not always voluntary
- Variability in sick role legitimacy
- Responsible for sickness
““a set of expectations in the sense that it is what one should do” and individuals choose roles from a role set using the other person in the interactions as the guide.” is the definition of ?
Role Theory
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Not sure if you need card for this slide!!!
Can Social Support be provided by health care professionals? (Yes / No)
No, Social Support can not be provided by
health care professionals
What are the 4 types of Social Support?
- Emotional support
- Instrumental support
- Informational support
- Appraisal support
“sharing life experiences” is which type of Social Support?
Emotional support
“tangible aid” is which type of Social Support?
Instrumental support
“advice, suggestions, and information that a person can use to address problems” is which type of Social Support?
Informational support
“information that is useful for self-evaluation purposes: constructive feedback, affirmation and social comparison” is which type of Social Support?
Appraisal support
What is Primary Appraisal?
Evaluation of the significance of a stressor or threatening event.
What is Secondary Appraisal?
Evaluation of the controllability of the stressor and a person’s coping resources.
What is Coping efforts?
Actual strategies used to mediate primary and secondary appraisals.
What is Emotional Regulation?
Strategies aimed at changing how one thinks or feels about a stressful situation
What is Problem Regulation?
Strategies aimed at changing a stressful situation
What is Dispositional coping styles?
Generalized ways of behaving that can affect a person’s emotional or functional reaction
What is Optimism in Coping?
Tendency to have generalized positive expectancies for outcomes.
What is Information Seeking in Coping?
Attentional styles that are vigilant (monitoring) versus those that involve avoidance (blunting)
Which Theory is believed to be an inherent trait that is shaped by experiences, particularly those in childhood?
Locus of Control
What are the 2 types of Locus of Control?
- Internal Locus of Control
- External Locus of Control
What are the characteristics of Internal Locus of Control?
High levels of Internal Health Locus of Control are
consistently found to promote medication adherence.
What are the characteristics of External Locus of Control?
External control dimensions were found to have mainly negative or ambiguous links to adherence, except for Doctor Health Locus of Control (belief in ability of physician to control disease) which had a positive association with medication adherence (in white and not African American individuals)
What is the best predictor of Behaviour?
the Intention to perform that behaviour
What is Attitudes?
Belief about the Behaviour x Evaluation (Strength) of Behavioural Outcomes
What is Subjective Norms?
Belief that important people approve or disapprove of the behaviour (Normative Beliefs) x Motivation to Comply with those People
What is Perceived Power?
Perceived presence of barriers and facilitators to a behaviour (Control Beliefs) x Perceived impact of behavioural barriers and facilitators (Perceived Power)
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Slide 34 ???
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What are the Limits of Theory of Planned Behaviour?
- Assumes person has control over resources and opportunities
- Intent and behaviour timeline not clear
- Actual control is not measured
- Missing other factors including environment, motivation in external factors box
- Health behavior must be defined precisely to influence it.
what makes up medication use?
Medication Use – Missing doses – Inhaler technique – Taking drug holidays – Not filling a prescription – Monitoring for side effects