Health Beliefs and Behaviours - Part 2 Flashcards
What are the 3 factors that influence each other to alter behaviour in Social Cognitive Theory?
- Personal Cognitive Factors
- Self-efficacy, Knowledge and ability to see outcomes.
- Behavioural Factors
- Habits, Intentions, Coping skills
- Social/Environment Factors
- Physical, role models, cultural beliefs, social support
Define Self-efficacy:
- “as people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce a designated levels of performance that exercise influence over the events that affect their lives” (Bandura, 1998)
- involves an evaluation of person’s skill as well as their confidence in a skill
Slide 6 !!!
Look at it yourself.
What are the 4 source of self-efficacy?
- physiological and affective states
- vicarious experiences
- social persuasion, and
- mastery experiences
● Skill is modelled to “convey the basic rules and strategies”.
● Learners practice the skill in a controlled environment and receive specific feedback.
● Learners apply the skill in work situations that are expected to bring success.
What does this describe?
Observational Learning: Mastery Learning
- aka Stages of Change
- Used in smoking, diabetes, addiction
- Does not assume people are ready to change
- People move or cycle through stages of change.
- Pushing hard -> resistance
What does this describe?
Transtheoretical Model
What are the 5 stages of Transtheoretical Model?
- Pre-contemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
Transtheoretical Model Pre-contemplation stage:
- Cons outweighs pro’s Won’t consider change for awhile
- RPh - Don’t persuade. Listen for barriers, wait, nonjudgmental, empathize
Transtheoretical Model Contemplation stage:
- Lower Self Efficacy, think change in 6 months, Open to info
- RPh - listen reflectively, careful Q’s, discuss strategies to remove barriers, educate if open, empathize
Transtheoretical Model Preparation stage:
- Ready for action within 30 days & made 1 attempt
- Often unsure can do
- RPh address PT concerns, breaks action into small steps & is consultant, empathize
- Begins to discuss products, schedule for quitting, plan
Transtheoretical Model Action stage:
- Makes effort to change
- RPh assesses PT concerns, problem-solves how to avoid triggers for negative behaviour, begin using products, support positive behaviour
Transtheoretical Model Maintenance stage:
- Engaged for 6 months at least
- More able to identify situations cause relapse
- Becoming who person wants to be
- Listen empathically
- Openly assess possible relapse factors
- Support
- Positive reinforcement
- Monitor how products work
Slide 15 !!!
Please look at it!
Processes of Change: Experiential
- Consciousness Raising [Increasing Awareness]
- Dramatic Relief [Emotional Arousal]
- Environmental Reevaluation [Social Reappraisal]
- Social Liberation [Environmental Opportunities]
- Self- Reevaluation [Self Reappraisal]
Processes of Change: Behavioral
- Stimulus Control [Re-Engineering]
- Helping Relationships [Supporting]
- Counter Conditioning [Substituting]
- Reinforcement Management [Rewarding]
- Self liberation [Committing]
- “Common Sense” Model of Illness
- Patients actively solve problems by seeking info from own experience to form illness representations based on:
1. What is the symptom/illness?
2. What caused it?
3. How long will it last?
4. What will happen as a result?
5. Can this be controlled or cured?
Which theory is this?
Self-Regulation Theory
Slide 20 ???
Look at slide 20!