Lecture 22 Pathology of Endocrine System Flashcards
What is the most common thyroid cancer
Papillary Carcinoma- BRAF/RET/PTC
Causes of primary hyperfucntion of parathyroid gland
- Sporadic
- MEN-1
- Adenoma- most common
- Hyperplasia
- Carcinoma (rare)
Causes of secondary hyperfucntion of parathyroid gland
• Physiological response to reduced calcium renal failure
Cause of acute adrenal insufficiency
• Meningococcal Septicaemia- Waterhouse Friderichsen
Causes of chronic adrenal insufficiency
- Primary- Addison
- Autoimmune
- Infections-TB, fungus HIV related infections
- Replacement – metastatic carcinoma amyloidosis
- Atrophy- prolonged steroid therapy
- Congenital hypoplasia
- Secondary- Pituitary failure
What are the causes of MEN1 Wemer Syndrome
– Parathyroid hyperplasia and adenomas
– Pancreatic and duodenal endocrine tumours (hypoglycaemia and ulcers)
– Pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma)
What are the causes of MEN2
– Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
– Phaeochromocytoma
– MEN 2A (Sipple syndrome) + Parathyroid hyperplasia
– MEN 2B
– + Neuromas of skin &mucous membrane, skeletal abnormalities
– + Younger patients, aggressive