Lecture 22 Flashcards
Heart failure
despite adequate venous return, CO is insufficient to meet tissue demands at rest or on physical exertion
Signs of heart failure(3)
poor exercise tolerance
shortness of breath
cool extremities
early compensated heart failure
arterial BP falls->
destimulated baroreceptors->inc sympathetic activity->inc catecholamines into blood stream
Early compensated heart failure
alpha 1 receptors bind
beta 1 receptors bind
->vasoconstriction (arterial)-> inc TPR->inc workload of heart
in myocardium and lead to inc HR and force of contraction->inc workload of the heart
early compensated heart failure
how to increase preload/afterload(arrows)
inc sympathetic stimulation->hypothalamus secrete ADH->fluid retention in kidneys->inc blood volume and BP->inc preload and afterload->increased work on failing heart
chronically high levels of circulating neuroendocrine hormones (catecholamines, renin, angiotensin, aldosterone) leads to
affecting myocardium directly->structural remodeling long term
early compensated heart failure
reduced perfusion to skeletal muscle(2)
atrophy of muscle fibers(cachexia)
exercise intolerance
Chronic activation of SNS(2)
dec baroreceptor sensitivity- maintained sympathetic drive even when MAP is normal
down regulation of Beta receptors in the heart-dec capacity of heart to respond to sympathetic stimulation
Cardiac hypertrophy(4)
dec mitochondria density-dec energy supply
dec inotropy-weak heart
stiff heart
inc risk of arrythmias
Counter regulatory mechanisms in heart failure(2)
atrial naturetic peptide
prostaglandins- antagonize vasoconstrictive effects of angiotensin (to protect kidney)
Volume overload leads to
eccentric hypertrophy
Eccentric hypertrophy
response to what
what occurs
end stage
response to elevated ventricular end diastolic pressures
ventricular dilation occurs as new sarcomeres are added in series to existing sarcomeres
not enough overlap of actin and myosin
pressure overload leads to
concentric hypertrophy
concentric hypertrophy
due to
what occurs
end stage
due to chronic pressure overloads (afterload)
ventricular chamber radius may not change, but wall thickness greatly inc as new sarcomeres are added in parallel
capable of generating greater forces and higher pressures
Changes in cardiac parameters in heart failure (4)
dec contractility
dec SV
dec exercise tolerance
inc HR- sympathetic NS response to fall in BP
dec contractility in end stage eccentric hypertrophy leads to
inc ESV
dec filling in concentric hypertrophy leads to
dec EDV