Lecture 21 - Ankle Flashcards
what type of joint is the ankle
uniaxial synovial joint
what motions occur at the ankle joint
- dorsiflexion (extension)
- plantarflexion
what bones comprise the ankle joint
- talus
- lower end of tibia with medial malleolus
- lower end of fibula with lateral malleolus
all of the articular surfaces in the ankle covered with what
articular/hyaline cartilage
surrounds the joint and attaches proximally to the articular surface of the tibia and both malleoli and distally to articular surface of the talus
fibrous capsule
what lines the fibrous capsule
synovial membrane
what motions occur between the talus and calcaneus
- inversion
- eversion
ligament on medial aspect of ankle
deltoid ligament/medial collateral ligament
components of deltoid ligament
- tibiocalcaneal
- tibionavicular
- posterior tibiotalar
- anterior tibiotalar
very strong ligament attached proximally to the medial malleolus
deltoid ligament
component that runs down to the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus
tibiocalcaneal component
component that runs down to the tuberosity of the navicular base
tibionavicular component
component that runs down to medial side of the talus and the medial tubercle (of posterior process)
posterior tibiotalar component
component that runs down to the anterior medial surface of the talus
anterior tibiotalar component
aka deep fibers
ligaments on lateral aspect of ankle
lateral collateral ligament:
- anterior talofibular
- posterior talofibular
- calcaneofibular
ligament that runs from the lateral malleolus to the area anterior to the lateral articular facet and lateral part of the neck of the talus
anterior talofibular ligament
which ligament is most frequently sprained in ankle injuries
anterior talofibular ligament
ligament that runs posteriorly from the lateral malleolar fossa to the lateral tubercle (posterior process) of the talus
posterior talofibular ligament
ligament that runs from the lateral malleolus to the lateral surface of the calcaneus
calcaneofibular ligament
fascia of the leg presents thickenings around the ankle
what’s function is to primarily keep the long tendons in position adjacent to the joints that they cross
parts of retinacula
- anteriorly: the superior and inferior extensor retinacula (crural cruciate ligament)
- posteriomedially: the flexor retinaculum
- laterally: the superior and inferior peroneal retinacula
what muscles pass beneath the superior and inferior extensor retinaculum
- tibialis anterior muscle
- anterior tibial artery
- deep peroneal nerve
- extensor hallucis longus bellies and tendon
- extensor digitorum longus bellies and tendon
- peroneus tertius muscle
what passes beneath the flexor retinaculum
a thick band of deep fascia
where does the thick band of deep fascia passing beneath the flexor retinaculum attach
to the medial malleolus medially and inferolaterally to the calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis
structures that pass beneath the flexor retinaculum
superficial to deep: Tom Dick And Now Harry - tibialis posterior tendon - flexor digitorum longus tendon - posterior tibial artery - tibial nerve - flexor hallicus longus tendon
what passes beneath the superior and inferior perineal retinaculum
on the lateral side of the ankle are the peroneus longus and brevis