Lecture 2: Perspective In Psychology And Application Flashcards
What is psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes. As such, psychologists are behavioral scientists.
What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is the orderly, analytical process used in all sciences to analyze and solve problems.
What is Behaviour?
Behavior is observable, measurable action. It is the means by which both animals and humans adjust to their environment.
Behavior results from a combination of many internal factors (e.g., intelligence, developmental stage, physical health, genetics) and external factors (e.g., peer pressure, socioeconomic status) that all influence one another.
What are the 7 key traits of the ideal doctor?
1- confident 2- empathetic 3- humane 4- personal 5- forthright 6- respectful 7- thorough
What is cognition/ mental processes?
Refers to the private, interna, workings of the mind
What are the goals of psychology?
Primary goal: improve our understanding of behaviour
Goals of psychologist: describe, explain, predict or control behaviour
What do you require to accurately describe behaviour?
1- psychologist must observe and accurately measure the behaviour
2- the type of behavioural data collected depends on the level of analysis. The focus of observations can range from broad, general, and global aspects all the way to minute details of the organism under study
3- Objectivity refers to the scientific necessity to record behavioral data as facts—as they really exist—not as we hope them to exist.
What is Behavioural data ?
Behavioral data includes the psychologist’s report of observations about the behavior and the conditions under which the behavior occurs.
What is the aim of Objectivity?
Objectivity helps ensure the advancement of scientific understanding of behavior, free of subjective, personal biases, prejudices, and expectations that would distort the data collected.
What is predicting behaviour?
Predicting behavior involves statements about the likelihood of a specific behavior occurring.
What is a Scientific prediction?
Scientific prediction is based on an understanding of relationships between behaviors and the mechanisms that link those behaviors to certain predictors. Scientists derive this information by systematically varying the conditions that lead to certain behaviors.
What is the ultimate goal for most psychologists?
Controlling behaviour
To improve individual’s quality of life
Controlling behavior means influencing a behavior to happen or not to happen, and influencing the nature of the behavior as it is being performed.
What are the 7 perspectives of psychology?
Psychodynamic Behaviourist Humanistic Cognitive Biological Evolutionary Sociocultural
What is the Psychodynamic perspective?
This perspective holds that behavior results from powerful inner forces beyond our immediate awareness.
These forces include innate instincts, biological drives, and attempts to resolve conflicts between personal needs and society’s demands. The purpose of behavior, according to this view, is to reduce tension.
What is the Behaviorist perspective?
Behaviorists seek to understand how environmental stimuli influence behavior, reducing behavior into antecedents, behavioral responses, and consequences of behavior.
Antecedent environmental conditions refer to the state of the environment before a behavior is performed.
Behavioural response, the main object of study, refers to the action to be understood, predicted, and controlled.
Consequence refers to what results from the behavioral response.
What is the Humanistic perspective?
Humanists suggested that humans are not controlled by unconscious drives or the external environment, but that they have choice. The main task of humans is to strive for growth and development of their potential.
Humanistic psychology is holistic, not reductionistic (reducing to elements that drive behavior). It examines the human as a whole and does not attempt to reduce mental life to elemental parts.
What is the Cognitive perspective?
Cognitive psychologists are most interested in human thought and all the processes of knowing, such as attending, thinking, remembering, and understanding.
Cognitive psychologists view behavior as partly determined by past experiences but also influenced by an individual’s inner world of thought and imagination.
An individual’s subjective reality is more important than the objective reality that behaviorists strive to capture.
What is the Biological perspective?
The biological perspective attempts to explain behavior in terms of the influence of genes, the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrine system by examining underlying physical structures and processes.
Although the environment and experience can modify behavior by altering underlying biological structures and processes, behavior originates from biological forces.
What is Behavioural neuroscience?
Behavioral neuroscience is a multidisciplinary field that attempts to understand brain processes that influence behaviors, such as sensation, learning, and emotion.
What is Cognitive neuroscience?
Cognitive neuroscience is a multidisciplinary field that attempts to understand brain processes that influence human cognitive functions such as memory, language, and learning.
What is the Evolutionary perspective?
The evolutionary perspective extends the idea of natural selection to explain how mental abilities evolved.
Evolutionary psychologists identify adaptive problems that early humans may have encountered, such as avoiding predators, finding food, reproducing, and raising children, and then generate inferences about the mental processes that might have evolved in response to these problems
What is the Sociocultural perspective?
This perspective focuses on cross-cultural differences in the causes and consequences of behaviour.
Important concepts investigated by sociocultural psychologists include perceptions, human development, emotions, social norms, and the notion of “the self.”
Sociocultural psychologists point out that psychological principles derived from one culture cannot be automatically applied to other sociocultural groups.
What are the different specialism in psychology?
Health Clinical Developmental Forensic Social Biological and neuropsychological Cognitive Occupational Educational
What is the focus of health psychology?
Psychological factors of health
What is the focus of clinical psychology?
Psychological disorders
What is the focus of developmental biology?
Development and change over the lifespan
What is the focus of forensic psychology?
Criminal and judicial behaviour and systems