Lecture 2: innovation again Flashcards
Techniques for innovation
-product improvement
-stage gate
Types of innovation
A: tweak existing product
B: based on analogy
C; wild ideas
Innovation pipeline
-no judge
-quantity breeds quality
-stay on topic
Theories of innovation
-Blue Ocean Strategy
-Lean Start Up
-Third Way
TRIZ (1946)
-theory of inventive problem solving
-based on ABSTRACTION of problems into generic FUNCTIONS and PROPERTIES
-TECH driven
-follows SYSTEMATIC predicatble path
-can be ACCELERATED by TRANSFERRING learnings for other areas
Primary principles of TRIZ
-patterns of technical evolution are repeated = predictable
-problems and solutions can be repeated and transferred
-universal properties, functions, fields
-innovation is solving CONTRADICTIONS
-use RESOURCES for problem solving
Triz universal properties, functions, and fields
-determine generic functions and properties from a specific problem
-determine “DNA” of the problem
Triz example - weight management
-gastric distension
-energy expenditure
-hormonal balance
Triz solving contradictions example
-efficacy vs side effects
-find rx that works but not toxic
-possible solution: localized action
Blue Ocean Strategy
-identify UNMET NEEDS of market and create solutions for them
-based on creation of NEW NEEDS and expansion of market away from competition
-EXISTING TECH used to create new market/needs
Blue Ocean principles
-find UNSERVED market without competition
-MAP exisiting offerings vs needs of consumer
-RAISE value while REMOVING add ons with no calue
-Address unmet needs to make competition IRRELEVANT
Blue ocean strategy: Meet unmet needs example
-covid vax
-did not exist before pfifer/moderna vax
-rush to get vaccine opened up
-also protein bars
The Lean Start Up
-Japanese manufacturing principles
-ITERATIVELY build products to meet needs, reduce risk, avoid need for funding
-high tech and internet
Lean Start Up principles
-quick PROTOTYPE testing
The Third Way
-control development of complementary innovations around a CENTRAL product
-NEEDS driven
-combine EXISTING elements
-growth without risk and high cost
Third Way Principles
-little things make big difference
-what need must be satisfied
-diverse in pricing, sourcing, products, etc
-innovations are a SYSTEM/FAMILY to satisfy need
-Core product remains INTACT
-complementary innovations done AROUND core product
Third way example
-Human growth hormone introduced by NOVO (insulin)
-make insulin pens more convenient to use
Stage Gate for guiding developments
-guide from idea to market entry
-allows prioritization
-controls right resources are assigned
-make sure project financially viable at each step
Stage gate
-forum thru which all initiatives under the scope of stage gate are assessed
-where the governing body for project execution is determines
Why stage gate?
-portfolio management
-project management
-updated project status info
Product development process require:
-cross functional collaboration
-portfolio management central - local organizations
Visibility stage gate
-provide visibility to leadership team on all initiative in the organization
Portfolio management stage gate
-platform for evaluation of new initiative with CROSS-FUNCTIONAL allignment thru diffferent stages of project execution
Project management stage gate
-tage gate project managers bring central and local projects to gate for decision
-work with category teams on execution and communication of centrally developed projects
Update project status info stage gate
-availability of updated project status info to all stakeholders, teams, affiliates, etc
Stage Gate Stages
- concept
(development) - scoping
- business case
- development
(commercialization) - submission
- commercial planning
- launch
-leaderhip team assessing projects at gate meetings
-approve strategy and execution
-accountable for resource allocation
-determine priority
-responsible for go/kill decisions
Disruptive Innovation
-radical changes in tech
-NEW TECH meets unserved need
-TECH and NEEDS driven
-produced by outsiders and entrepreneurs
Disruptive innovation principles
-Different NEW attributes
-NICHE consumer
-IMPROVE fast and INVADE established markets
-niche product until disadvantages removed and then current tech becomes extinct
Disruptive products
-fit bit
-topple industry leaders
-best way: spin off a new company (J&J)
-$20 bil in sales/year
-160 operating companies
-launch disruptive tech from very small companies
-unpredicatble quantity
Product Life cycle of insulin
-first from cows or pigs
-lots of impurities
-Lilly manufactured Humulin
-hiked up price but ppl would rather pay for pig insulin
Product lifecycle of insulin 2
-Danish insulin maker focused on insulin pens
-made pens have 10 sec injection instead of 1-2 min
-maintained price premium for years
Innovation in drug eluting stents
-80 companies only 2 approved
-Boston scientific: chose well known drug, chose right polymer, lot of animal work, had capacity
How should Ideation occur?
-in a SYSTEMATIC way
-like TRIZ
Ideas need to be governed by:
-systematic PROCESS
-ex: Stage Gate
Innovation has declined deaths from heart disease by how much?
Innovation in health care and GDP
-half the increase in GDP was attributable to inreases of life expectancy
-50% was the result of reduced deaths from heart disease