LECTURE 2 Flashcards
What are the two types of cells in the brain?
Neurons and glial cells.
What percentage of the brain’s cells are neurons?
What is the main function of glial cells?
Support and less direct involvement in information processing.
What do neurons have that is unique to them?
Dendritic arbor and a long axon.
What happens at the axon hillock when a neuron depolarizes enough?
An action potential is triggered.
What causes depolarization in a neuron?
Sodium ions entering through ion channels.
What are nodes of Ranvier?
Gaps between myelin sheaths on axons.
What happens at a synapse?
Neurotransmitters are released and can excite or inhibit the next neuron.
What are the two main types of visual receptor cells in the retina
Cones and rods.
Where are cones mostly located?
In the fovea
Where are rods primarily located?
In the periphery of the retina.
What is the main function of cones?
Color and detail perception.
What is the main function of rods?
Vision in dim light.
What is the pathway from the retina to the visual cortex?
Retina → Lateral Geniculate Nucleus → Striate Cortex (V1).
What visual function is associated with V4?
Color and shape perception.
What is the main function of V5 (MT in humans)?
Motion perception.