Lecture 19 Digestive Glands Flashcards
Where is liver located?
upper right quadrant
What is the largest internal organ?
- liver
What incases/protects the liver?
- ribs and costal cartilages
Can you easily palpate the liver?
- no unless patient takes deep breath
- if you can palpate without deep inspiration it has become enlarged
What splits the left lobe from right lobe?
- double layered peritoneum called the falciform ligament
Ligamentum teres
- vessels pass through it as fetus
- umbilical vein travels through it
- gut derivative
- at some point in development has mesentery
- adheres to surface of the liver
How does the gallbladder lose its mesentary
- it adheres to the anterior surface of the liver
- still considered mesenteric
The liver has 4 lobes
- left lobe
- right lobe
- caudate lobe
- quadrate lobe
What fissures run front to back?
- sagittal fissures
What connects the sagittal fissures?
- horizontal fissure
What is the anterior lobe of the liver that lies between the two sagittal fissures?
-quadrate lobe
What is the posterior lobe of the liver that lies between the two sagittal fissures?
- caudate lobe`
Ligamentum teres
- lies in left sagittal fissure
- obliterated after birth
Ligamentum venosum and root of lesser omentum
- lies in posterior left sagittal fissure
Gall bladder
- anterior right sagittal fissure
- quadrate lobe
Where does the inferior vena cava pass in the liver?
- posterior sagittal fissure
Porta hepatis
- region around h. fissure that is doorway to liver
- bile exiting
- blood entering
- nerve supply and lymphatics pass through
- horizontal fissure
What part of liver makes contact with the post. abdominal wall?
- bare area of liver
- this part of liver is sec. retroperitoneal