Lecture 19 Flashcards
- Inbreeding co-efficient
- Heterozygosity
- Population size, the number of breeding intividuals
- Generation time
Autozygous (F):
- The probability of that any two randomly chosen alleles in a population are identical by descent
- A1A1 or A2A2 from the same A1 or A2
Allozygous (1 - F):
- The probability of that any two randomly chosen aleles in a population are NOT identical by descent
- A1A1 or A2A2 from different A1 or A2
Generational increase in frequency of homozygotes in a selfing population:
- G0 AA 0, Aa 1, aa 0
- G1 AA 1/4, Aa 1/2, aa 1/4
- G2 AA3/8, Aa1/4, aa 2/8
- G AA 1/2, AA 0, aa 0
Effects of inbreeding:
- Decrease in heterozygosity
- Increase in homozygosity
- Allele frequencies do not change
Hardy Weinburg Equilibrium:
- A1A1 = 2pq -2pqF
- p + q = 1
A1A1 = p squared (1 - F) + pF
A1A2 = 2pq (1-F)
Calculating F from observed genotype frequencies:
A1A2 = 2pq (1-F)
- Allele frequency of A1
- Allele frequency of A2
- Observed heterozygosity
- F =
Reduction in heterozygosity is a convenient measure of the effect of inbreeding in a population:
- F = (Hexp - Hobs) / Hexp
Can we predict how fast F increase and H decrease over time in a finite population?
- Yes
Ft = 1 - [1-1/2N] t the power t (1-Fo)
F = Level of inbreeding in generation t N = Population size t = Generation o = Level of inbreeding in the base population
Ht = Ho [1-1/2N] to the power t
Ht = heterozygosity in generation t Ho = Heterozygosity in the base population t = generation N = population size
From generation t to t+1, there are 2 ways to get alleles IBD
- 1/2N
- Probability of an individual receiving two copies of the same allele (new inbreeding)
OR - [1-1/2N] Ft
- Probability of an individual receiving copies of two different alleles from generation t, but those alleles are identical by descent from generation t-1 (previous inbreeding)
Increase in inbreeding (F) over time in finite populations:
Ft = 1 [1 - 1/2N]to the power t
- F will increase over time as a function of population size (N)
- When N is large, F increases slowly over time
- When N is small, F increases rapidly over time
Decrease in heterozygosity over time in finite populations:
Ht = Ho [1-1/2N] to the power t
- H will decrease over time as a function of population size (N)
- When N is large, H decrease slowly over time
- When N is small, H decreased rapidly over time