lecture 18: lumbosacral plexus Flashcards
cervical and lumbar enlargements correspond with what
plexuses involved in providing innnervation to the limbs
what is the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord
brachial plexus (c5-T1)
what is the lumbar enlargment of the spinal cord
lumbosacral plexus )l1-s4)
the lumbosacral plexus is derived from the anterior or posterior rami of l1-s4
the lumbosacral plexus is derived from the anterioi of blank
the lumbar plexus part includes what neres
L1-L4 (and t12 intercostal)
the sacral plexus part includes what nerves
the lumbar plexus provides cuteanous innervation to what
to anterior and medial thigh
anterior knee
medial leg and foot
the lumbar plexus provides motor innevation to what
anterior and medial compartments of the thigh
true or false: the lumbar plexus is assocated the cuteanous and motor innervation for the posterior thigh
false, the anterior and media
the sacral plexus provides cuteanous innervation to what
lower buttocks (inf cuneal),
posterior thigh and leg (post cut femoral)
lateral leg and majority of the foot
the sacral plexus provides motor innervation to what
gluteal region
posterior thigh
compartments of the leg and foot
the posterior thigh receives motor inneravtion from the lumbar or sacral plexus
which region of the lumbosacral plexus innevates (motor) the gluteal region
the sacral plexus (L4-S4)
what are the nerves of the lumbar plexus (names )
obturator n
lateral femoral cutaneous
what nerves does iliohypogastric come from
what nerves does ilioinguinal come from
what nerves does genitofemoral come from
what 3 nerves provide most sensory innervation around the ground and lateral aspect of the hip from the lumnar plexius
what nerves does obtutrator come from
what what nerves does lateral femoral cutaneous come from
what nerves does femoral come from
femoral n is responsible for the anterior or posterior compartment of the thigh
what are the names of the nerves in the sacral plexus
lumbosacral trunk
superior and ifnerior gluteal n
posterior femoral cutaneous
sciatic n
what nerves does lumbosacral trunk come from
what nerves does superior gluteal come from
what nerves does inferior gluteal n come from
what is the lcoation of superior and inferior gluteal nerves
above and brlow the piriformis muscle
what nerves does posteior femoral cuteanous come from
what nerves does sciatic come from
sciatic n is more responsible for anterior or posterior thigh
what are the 3 main spcaes i nthe inguinal region
1) muscular component
2) vascular components
3) inguinal canal
what is the inguinal canal
fascia canal acting as a conduit or tunnel between internal pelvis and external genitalia and surrounding skin
what are the muscles and contents of the muscular component of the inguinal region
lateral femoral cuteanous n of the thigh
femoral n
what are the contenous of the vascular component of the inguinal region
femoral a and v
genitofemoral n (femoral branch)
wjat are the contents of the inguinal canal
inlioinguinal n
genitofemoral n (genital branch)
speramatic cord(male) or ligament of uterus (female)
the femoral branch of the genitofemoral n is located in which component
the inguinal canal is superior or inferior to inguinal lig
be able to locate the different ingunual regions
iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves are derived from what spinal n
which nerves pierces the psoas major
genitofemoral n
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal supply motor innervation to what
lower internal obliques and tranversus abdominus
what are the two bracnhes of the iliohypogastric n and where they run
anterior branch (near inguinal lig)
lateral branch (near TFL)
be able to locate the IH IL and genitofemoral
which nerves travels in the inguinal canal
ilioinguinal n and genitofemoral (genital branch)
which nerve travels in the vascular compartment
genitofermoal (femoral branch)
what are the two branches of the genitofemoral n
genital and femoral barnch
the genital barnch of the genitofemoral joins what other n and what does it supply
ilioinguinal and supplies scrotum and labia
which nerve travels under the inguinal ligament
the femoral branch of the genitofemoral n
what is the motor innervation of the genitofemoral n
cremaster in spermatic cord
true or false: the ilioinguinal n pierces the psaoas major
false, the genitofemoral n
what is the senrosry innervation of the IH, IL and GF (in general)
skin over the upper lateral thigh and inguinal region (IH)
anterior and medial thigh (GF, IL)
scrotum/labia (GF, IL)
true or false: the lateral cutanous femoral is derived from L1 to L3
false, l2
explain the sensory innevation for the lateral cuteanous femoral (l2-L3)
to skin over lateral thigh, down to knee (including over fascia lata, and near gretter trochanter of femur)
true or false: the lateral femoral cuteanous n pases below the inguinal lig
obturator n travels through what forament
obturator n
true or false: obturator n is derived from L2-:4
what is the motor innervation of the obturator n
medial compartment of the thigh (Adductors and gracilis)
obturator externus
what are the two branches of the obturator n
posterior and anterior branch
what branch of the obturator n innervaties the obturator externus
posterior branch
what is the senosry innevartion of the obturator n
cutaneous: skin of medial thigh
also sensory from hip joint capsule
explain the motor innervation of the femoral n
anterior compoartment of the thigh (flexors of the hip, externsors of the knee)
and pectineus from medial compartment of thgih
true or false: femoral n supplies only the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh
false, anterior compartment and medial compartment because of pectineus
explain the sensory innervation of the femoral n
anterior thigh and medial leg/foot through 2 branches
where does femoral n travel
b/w psoas and illiacus, under the inguinal lig
true or false: the femoral n travels between psoas and illiacus, above the inguinal lig
false, under
the saphenous n is parallel to what other vessel
saphenous v
what are the 2 major barnches of the femoral n
anterior cuteanous n
saphenous n
how does the sapnous n travels
travels with great saphenous vein along medial leg
understand the lumbar plexus summary slide
true or false; the sacral plexus supplies the gluteals
superior gluteal n supplies what muscels
glute med
glute min
tensor fascia lata
superior gluteal n comes from what n
what muscle does inferior gluteal inneavte
glute max
true or flse: glute max is inneravted by the superior gluteal n
false, ingerior
tru or false: gluteal nerves both provide motor innevation to the gluteal muscles
be able to locate the glutean l n
sciatic n provides motor inervation to what
motor to hip extensors and knee flexors
branches to all distal muscles
sciatic n provides sensory inervation to what
distal limb below knee
inferior cluneal n is a branch of what
posterior cutaneous femoral
what nerve is medial to sciatic n
posterior cuteanous femoral n
where are sural nerves
below knee
what are sural n
sensory nervous from distal branches of sciatic n
what are the 2 divisions of the sciatic that can be traced back to the greater sciatic formanet
common fibular
the 2 divisions of the sciatic can be traced back to where
the greater sciatic formanet
the tibial n is derived from what spinal n
the common fibular n is derived from what spinal n
which branch of the sciatic n is the most lateral
common fibular
what is the motor innevation of the sciatic proper
posterior compartment of the thigh (hamstrings)
what is the motor innevation of the terminal branches of the sciatic
motor sensory
extend fown to into leg and foot
be able to understand the sicatic n near popliteal fossa
true or false: the sural nerves are purely cuteanous
medial and lateral sural n combine to form what
sural n
what do the sural nerves provide cuteanous innevation to
posterior and lateral leg and lateral foot