Lecture 17 & 18 Flashcards
DNA Sequence Analysis
CS rxn
Massively Parallel Sequencing
Next Gen
Cycle sequencing
Quality Control
Displacement Loop
Electron microscope
What are the two kinds of sequence analysis
- screen for one set of known sequences (probe based)
- Determine a novel sequence
Cycle Sequencing / Sanger Sequencing
- similar to PCR
- in vitro synthesis
What is the difference btwn Sanger and PCR ?
- only 1 primer
- not exponential copies, arithmetic increase
- PCR product is the template, so you start w/ a lot
- Some dNTPs are ddNTPs DIdeoxy = missing 3’ hydroxyl preventing the addition of another nucleotide
- The ddNTPs are labled w a dye that indicates what base it is = dye terminator reaction
- then capillary
What is a dye terminator reaction
When ddNTPs are attachted that end the sequencing
Seperate fragments from sangar with
Smallest size = primer + 1
then primer +2 … you will get the sequence of the DNA when put together
What is the first thing you do for sequencing?
How long is the sequence you analyzed with Sanger sequencing?
the length of your PCR prod.
What is the advantage sequencing has with degraded DNA
You are able to seq smaller frag and then piece them together
What happens if there is a dinucleotide repeat region?
The electropherogram gets out of sync
what was used b4 fluorescence
Manual sequencing
what was a caveat to radioactivity?
no diff color = cant do all ddntps @ same time, so you needed to run four rxns, ea w a diff ddntp labled.
What does the software do for you?
- applies a spectral calibration
- apprx peak spacing
- calls color (spacing expectation)
- says N for low or conflicting signal
What does it mean when there’s an N in the sequence?
software cant tell what it is
Where is the quality of the read bad? What kind of issue is it?
Beginning and end
Mobility calibration issue OR unincorporated ddNTPs at the veryyyyyyyyyyyyy beginning (poor cleaning)