Exam 4 Start: Lecture 16 Flashcards
Population genetics cont.
What is the Wahlund Effect?
2 or more sub population in HWE but complete pop is not
How do you solve a problem asking if the Wahlund effect is present?
Calculate if ea sub pop is in HWE and if the total pop is in HWE.
What is the issue that occurs when you don’t account for the Wahlund effect in sub populations?
The RMP is lower than the true value.
How can you tell if there is inbreeding present?
Excessive homozygous genotype
**What does theta do to your calculations? (How is it with/ without?)(The effect theta has on RMP)
theta raises the RMP
If unsure of the effect of sub populations, genetic variable theta is used. What is theta?
It is usually 0.01, a measure of substructure used to adjust the RMP calc.
What is LR likelihood ratio? What does it do?
P of obs the evidence under competing case scenarios.
Allows for subjectivity
compares both scenarios, forced to consider alt hypothesis
How to calc:
P(match given suspect is the source) / P(match given suspect is not the source)
Genetic evidence
Notations for:
- Prosecutors hypothesis
- Defense hypothesis
- Genetic evidence
- All other evidence
- H(subscript p)
- H(subscript d)
- E
- I
What is the Odds Form of Bayes Theorem?
Write equation in notation and in words
Prior odds
you don’t like that guy…. / what made you arrest them in the first place
Posterior odds
If the prosecutors hypothesis is correct
the probability = 1 (numerator)
If the defense hypothesis is correct
RMP (denominator), so inverse of RMP
What effect does theta have on the answer
It makes it larger, and helps the defendant.