Lecture 16 - Ventilation and O2 and CO2 exchange Flashcards
How do gases move across the alveolar capillary membrane?
Why is the alveocapillary membrane thin?
Thinness is due to basement membrane of alveoli and capillary being fused together - single membrane
What does Fickʼs Law of Diffusion describe?
Explains gas exchange through the membranes
What is emphysema characterised by?
Emphysema is a disease characterized by dilation of the alveolar spaces and destruction of the alveolar walls.
Why do patients with emphysema have
decreased PO2 in blood?
There is a decrease in the surface area of the lung (A) in emphysema. According to Fick’s law, when we have a decrease in A, we will have a decrease in F (Flux =Amount flowing)
What does pulmonary fibrosis involve?
thickening and scarring of the alveolar membranes
Why do patients with pulmonary fibrosis have
decreased PO2 in blood?
There is an increase in the thickness of the alveoli (T) in pulmonary fibrosis. According to Fick’s law, when there is an increase in diffusion distance, there will be a decrease in diffusion capacity/F
What does pulmonary oedema refer to?
water accumulation in alveoli
Why do patients with pulmonary oedema have
decreased PO2 in blood?
When water accumulates in alveoli, there will be an increase in diffusion distance. According to Fick’s law, when there is an increase in diffusion distance, there will be a decrease in diffusion capacity/F
What is the main factor in flux (F)?
P1-P2 (alveolar – arterial)
Pressure difference drives diffusion
What does PAO2 depend on?
- PIO2 of inspired air
- Alveolar ventilation
- Oxygen consumption
The atmospheric PO2 is usually constant,
so it is the balance between oxygen
consumption and alveolar ventilation that is
most important.
What does PACO2 depend on?
- Alveolar ventilation
- Carbon dioxide production
- PICO2 of inspired air
Alveolar PACO2 is usually determined
only by the balance between carbon
dioxide production and alveolar
ventilation, because atmospheric PCO2
is negligible.
How can we measure partial pressures in arterial blood
Measure these from arterial blood sample
(“Arterial Blood Gas analysis ” – ABG)
What is the respiratory quotient (RG)?
The amount of CO2 produced in relation to the amount of O2 consumed by metabolism and is dependent on caloric intake.
Considered as a measure of cell metabolism
MCQ: The movement of oxygen by diffusion between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillary blood is:
proportional to the partial pressure gradient between air-blood barrier
How can we apply Fick’s law to understand diffusion during exercise?
During exercise more O2 consumed by the muscle. This increased VT and increased VA creates an increase alveolar surface (A)
More capillaries perfused due to ↑ capillary surface area and reduced diffusion distance for capillaries