Lecture 16: Bariatric Surgery Flashcards
obesity is BMI > ___
what are the 2 approved obesity meds in Canada?
orlistat and liraglutide
three lifestyle treatments for obesity?
diet, exercise, counselling
most effective means for long term / sustained wt loss and education?
bariatric surgery
two types of restrictive bariatric surgery?
laparoscopic gastric banding, gastric sleeve
example of combination bariatric surgery?
roux-en-y gastric bypass, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
gastric band filled with ___ which causes ____
saline; stomach become smaller
gastric banding wt loss is _____ and _____ vs resection
slower; gradual
complications of banding?
erosion, bleeding, slipping
in gastric sleeve, ____ of stomach removed and _____ stomach created
greater curvature; tubular
in roux en y, create a small ____ the size of an ___
gastric pouch; egg/tbsp
in roux en y, jejunum divided into these 2 limbs:
roux limb (jejunum), biliopancreatic limb (duodenum)
food flows straight from pouch to ___ limb (bypass stomach), stomach continues to make digestive juices that flow into ___ limb reattached below other limb, forming ____ shape
roux; bilipancreatic; Y
biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch involves sleeve gastrectomy with ___, creation of small ___ limb with short common channel (____cm)
pylorus; roux; 100-150
biliopancreatic diversion duodenal switch typically used for ______ patients
advanced bariatric (BMI >50)
is bilipancreatic diversion duodenal switch reversible?
biliopancreatic diversion has risk of _____, so it is important to follow ______ after surgery
anastomosis due to eating too much; bariatric surgery diet
gold standard of bariatric surgeries
roux en y
benefits of sleeve gastrectomy compared to roux en y?
less invasive, technically easier, faster to perform, safer
total weight above reference ideal of BMI 24.9 is referred to as:
excess weight
expected outcomes of weight loss for surgery are ____% actual weight, ___% excess weight
20-30; 50-60
wt loss with bariatric surgery steepest during first ___ months and levels out after ____ years
6; 3
gastric sleeve may worsen but roux en y resolve _____
high prevalence of ___ in ppl undergoing surgery
criteria to be a surgical candidate:
BMI >40 or 35-40 if have 2+ med conditions (type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, cardiopulmonary probs, hypertension, previous wt loss attempts), age 18-59, nonsmoker, no active substance abuse, not pregnant/lactating, be motivated to change, committed to all aspects of program, psych and med fit for surgery
wait time shorter than ___ months for surgery not necessarily better cuz programs must be done beforehand
RD role to look for:
wt loss, micronutrient deficiencies, other comorbidities/symptoms
2-3 weeks prior to surgery called ____ period, involves ____ program
peri-operative; optifast (low cal , low fat, high pro)
why need peri-op nutr management?
reduce liver size and visceral fat tissue around liver (if liver too big will tear during surgery, if too much fat around won’t be able to access stomach and have to do open surgery)
why no juice for post op bariatric pt?
high risk of dumping syndrome
fluids allowed for POD 1-2?
water, broth, tea, diluted fruit juice, no sugar added jello (15mL q15min - 30 mL q15min)
nutr management weeks 1-2 post op:
chewable vit/min supplement, protein supplements, liquid diet (protein powder and shakes), eating strategies (eat slow, eat/drink 1 tbsp q5min, stop if pain)
nutr management week 3-4 post op:
consume 1-1.5L calorie free fluids/d, commence pureed diet, separate liquids and solids by 30 min, choose foods from all food groups
if have anastomotic leak, what to do?
- feeding below the tear
- wouldn’t want to feed by NG (stomach too small still)
- could start PN
- we can educate the team about importance of nutr support in these cases even though pt don’t seem like a typical malnourished person
nutr management weeks 5-9 post op:
vit/min supplement switch to pill form, consume 1.5-2L cal free fluids/d, commence soft texture diet (60-80gprotein/d), eat 3 meals with 2-3 small snacks/d, cut food into pea size, eat high pro foods first
for life, eat __ first, __ second, ___ third
protein; veg/fruit; grain/starch