Lecture 15 and 16 Flashcards
What do fungi membranes contain?
How many species of fungi are recorded?
More then 100,00 (estimated 1.5 million)
What nutrient type are fungi?
How do fungi acquire food?
Absorptive (saprotrophic)
What type of digestion do fungi have?
Extracellular digestion: produce and secrete enzymes that digest substrate
How do fungi absorb digestion products?
Endocytosis, transporters
Name a symbiotic relationship of fungi with plants.
Mycorrhizae (plants get minerals/phosphate, fungi get sugars/amino acids)
What are the two type of mycorrhizae?
Endomycorrhizae (penetrates coritcal cells of root), ectomycorrhiza (surrounds root)
What are lichens?
Green algae/cyanobacteria and fungi
What can fungi act as pest control against?
Nematodes, weeds, mites, other fungi
What is the break down and consumption of environmental pollutants called?
Name an immunosupressive fungi
How many pathogenic fungal species are there to animals and humans?
Around 200, most nosocomial and/or opportunistic
Name an oppertunistic infection of fungi in AIDs patients.
Crytococcal meningitis
Aspergillosis fungi can cause…
Pulmonary aspergillosis or invasive aspergillosis
What toxic compounds do some fungi produce?
Mycotoxins, such as amatoxins
What does Amanita phalloides (Death cap) produce?
Alpha-amanitin which inhibits RNA polymerase II
Alfatoxin. flavus metabolites intercalates with DNA, which…
Damages DNA bases (alkylation) promotes oncogene mutations
How does fungal cell wall protect underlying cytoplasm?
Provides stable osmotic environment
What is chitin made of?
N-acetylglucosamine polymer, chains with beta 1-4 linkage
Chitin function?
Cell wall stability
What is a pollysaccharide of D-glucose found in cell wall?
glucans (50-60%)
Linkages in most glucans?
beta 1-3 linked
Glucan function?
Attachment site for other wall components
Where are glycoproteins found in the cell wall?
Outer surface, interwoven over chitan/glucan layer
Function of glycoproteins?
Adhesion to surfaces, fusion of fungi, protection, molecule uptake, signal transduction, synthesis
Plasma membrane sterol is?
What does ergosterol do?
Reduce membrane fluidity and permability
Antifungal drugs target what biosynthesis pathway?
2 types of vegetative hyphae:
Septate hyphae
Coenocytic (aseptate) hyphae
What is growth at the tip of vegetative hyphae called?
Apical growth
Features of growing tip:
- Structure/function different
- Denser cytoplasm
- No major organelles
WHat does growing tip contain?
What is spitzenkorper?
Structure where golgi-derived vesicles accumulate, which exocytosis
What do the spitzenkorper vesicles contain?
Enzymes involved in wall lysis, wall synnthesis, precursor wall polymers (mannoproteins)
Name when growing tips fork
Vegetative hyphae can extend out of the substrate to form what?
Aerial hyphae
How do aerial hyphae produce asexual spores?
They undergo mitosis and subsequent cell division
What are the 2 types of asexual spore?