Lecture 13- N-3 fatty acids*, mood and cognition Flashcards
What are n-3 fatty acids?
Fatty acids are a hydrocarbon chain
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Oily fish
N6 and N3 Fatty acids
The amount of N6 FA can influence the synthesis of N3 FA
Shorter chain N6 will SLOW down the synthesis of N3
Modern diet change in fatty acids
Small decline in N3
DHA- fatty acid
DHA is the most abundant n-3 fatty acid in the human brain
Concentration can affect neural membrane function (and thereby speed of signal transduction, and neurotransmission)
The ‘Oxford-Durham’ study
Richardson & Montgomery (1999)
Some positive effects of fatty acid (omega-3 ) supplementation
The ‘Oxford-Durham’ study
Should have controlled vitamin E (or interaction with fatty acid) as the placebo did not have vitamin E added to it
Generalization of the findings by those with commercial interests in fish oil products
The ‘DOLAB’ study
Richardson et al. (2012)
First glance=
- The benefit gained over extended period of time (for reading ability)
Upon analysis of total child population:
Suggests that DHA supplementation harms reading development
in top-performing 80% of the population
Systematic review of trials on effects of n-3 fatty acids on depressed mood
Small (just statistically significant) benefit to fish oil supplementation
WORRYING: biggest effects are shown in small trials
Thus, evidence for publication bias
Primary Outcome measures
Measures of depressed mood
Secondary Outcome measures
Beck Depression Inventory
Attentional bias for threat words
Mood diary