lecture 12: athritis Flashcards
what is the typical clientele of arthris
older adults
as age increases, the risk of arthritis increase or decreases
do more females or males get affected by srthritis
what percentage of women get athritis
what oercentage of men have docotr diagnosed arthritis
can kinesiologiest play a role in arthritis
yes they prescribing exrecise
is glucosamine better than a fake pill (placebo) to reduce pain
what is glucosaminne
used to build up cartilage
artrho means
itis means
what is the definition of arthritis
a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints
of the body
true or false: there is only a couple forms of arthtis
false, there are more than 100 forms
the 100 forms of arthtis include conditions characterized by what 3 factors
soreness, stiffness and pain in joint
what are the 2 most common forms of arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (± 1% of the population) Osteoarthritis (± 10% of the population)
in BLANK arthristis there are 3x more females affected than males
in rheumatoid arthritis
what arthristis is 50/50 for males and females
what are the 2 main problems common with all forms of arthritis
1) decrease in joint mobility
2) presence of joinnt pain
how many canadians have athritis
4 mil
1 in how many people have arthrisi
what is the most common cause of long term disability in ncanada
more than 600 000 canadians are classfied as disabiled because of what
what is the problem with having arthetis
cannot work, decrease ADLs
why is the number of people with arthris going up
because average age of populationn is increasing
what can prevnt activities in peiple living with athritis
true or false: Physical inactivtiy is much higher in people living with athritis
is slightly higher
people with athritis report painn doing physical activities like …
gardening, snow shoveling, cleaning the house
can stretchign help with arthrisi
what is the hand involvment of arthritis
inflammation and joint deformity (with time)
in rheumatoid arthtiris, there is alot of swelling in the hand than can push and cause…
bone displacement
rheumatoid arthrisi affects all ages with usual onset between what ages
rheum arthris is BLANK times more common in females
what is rhematoid arthrisis
Inflammation occurs in the synovial
membranes that cover a joint capsule
and spreads throughout the joint
true or false: rhem arthitis usually affects only one joint
false, more tha none joint and usually syumetical
where are the most common joints for rhem artthtisi
cervical spine
which ttype of arhtitis has periods of exacerbation (flare ups) and remission
RA disease type is..
why is RA considered a systemic disease
the entire body is affected (fever, pallor,
inflammation of tear and salivary glands)
true or false: people with RA can take meds and why
yes Medication to reduce joint inflammation and pain +
immunosuppressive drugs
what is the cause of RA
malfunction of the immune system (autoimmune disease)
what is the inflammatory marker for RA diagnosis i na blood test
c reactive protein
what is c reactive protein
it is a protein produced by the liver and found in the blood, CRP levels in the blood rise in response to innflammatio n
whta type of arthritis is associated with inflamed joint acpsule and synovial memebrane
what type of arhtris is associated with loose cartliage particles
what is the msot common form of arthrisi in children
juvenile RA
true or false: the Symptoms and causes of juvenile RA are similar to
those of osteoarthrtis
false, similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis
what is the avg age of onset for juvenile RA
6 years
what are the 2 peaks of onset of juvenile RA
2-4 and 8-11
there is complete functionnal recovery in about BLANK percent og cases of juvenile RA
true or false: Complete functional recovery in
about 50% of the cases (juvenile RA)
the perids of exaercebation for juvenile RA lasts how long
1 week to several months
what are the 6 warningn signs of RA
1) Pain, swelling, tenderness, heat, or redness in a joint. This is called
- Inflammation may start gradually or with a sudden severe attack
(Can occur after psychological trauma) - Morning stiffness that lasts longer than 30 minutes
- Pain in 3 or more joints at the same time or in a joint all night long
- Low energy and fatigue (systemic disease)
- Possible fever and weight loss (systemic
what is inflammation n
Pain, swelling, tenderness, heat, or
redness in a joint.
in RA inflammation nonly starts gradually>
no it can also be a sudden attack (can also occur after psycological trauma)
when is there the most stiffness in people with RA
morning stiggness that lasts logner than 30 mintutes
pain in 2 or more joints a tthe same time is a warning sign of RA?
false, pain in 3 or more joints OR pain all nightt long in joint
low energy adn fatigue are associatted with RA or osteoarthris and why
RA because it is a systemic disease
possible fever and weigh loss are warning signs in RA or osteoarhrtis
RA because it is a systemic disease
what is the most common form of arthritis
osteoarthris mainly affects persons of what age
in RA or osteo is there the same incidience b/w men and women
true or false: Symptoms get worse as the day
goes on in osteoartthris
why do Symptoms get worse as the day
goes on in osteoarthritis
because of fatigue
which type of arthritis is a degenrattive joint disease (loss of articular cartilage)
what are the commonly affects joints in osteo
hands, spine hips and knees
what do all the common affected joints (hands, spinne, hips and knees) in osteo have in common
weight bearing
what is the disease type of osteoarthris
periopheral (local effect)
true or false; you can use meds only for RA
false, yuo can use meds to reduce joint inflammation nand pain in osteoartthiris
what are the causes of osteoarthris
genetic predisposition, joint
trauma (kness of football players),
excess weight (obesity), overuse
syndrome (hands of hairdressers)
true or false: exercise is bad for arthtis
false, it can help reduce pain, prevent further joint damage
why is joint movement good for managing arthritis
mechanial pressure oevr the cartilage =brings nutrients and squeezes out waste
why is absense of movement bad in arthris
Cartilage will starve + crumble away
Tendons + ligaments will shrink, stiffen up + become weakerr
why is exrerising to maintain a healthy weight good for managing osteoarthris
puts less straign on joints (weight bearing)
exercise of inflammed joints helps strenghted what and why is that good
strengthen the muscles around the joint which results in less pain
according to the training intensity chart, what is a RED workout feel like
more than normal painn, jointns i nflare up
accoding to the training intensity chart, what is the trtaining inntensity for a red workout
low intensity, rest and recover
according to the traning inteisity chart, what is a yellow workout
normal pain and normal joint comfort
accordig to the training intnensity chart, what is the training intensity for a yellow workout
easy to moderate, normal exrcise routine
according to the training intenisty chart, whjat is a green workout
nbetter than normal pain, joints are feeling good
according to the trainning intensity chart, what is the training intensity for a green workout
try something new
icnrease time, weight, reps/set
if the joint is affected but not painful what should the ROM and stretching exercise be
ROM exercise: 5-10 repetitions, the position is held for 2-3
seconds (when it is appropriate)
– Stretching exercises: 2 to 3 repetitions, the position is held
for 20-30 sec
if the joint is slightly swollen but neither hot nor painful, what should you do to the reps for stretching and ROM
cut reps in half
if the joint is hot, swollen and painful, you should perform ROM or stretching
only ROM
if the joint is hot, swollen and painful what exercise should you do in terms of ROM and strecthing
1/2 reps of the ROM exrcise and no strtetching
what is the difference between stretching and rom
stretthing is adding external force and puts more demand on the joinnt)
if joint is affected but not painful, what is the recommendation for sttrengthening exercsise
5-10 repetitions with low load (it can be
repeated 3 times = 15 to 30 reps)
if the joint is slightly swollen and mildly painful, what should you do for stregnthening exrcises
cut the repetitions in half =
7 to 15 reps
if the joint is hot swollen and painful, you should avoid what type of exerise
avoid strengthing exercise
what is the key point in terms of exercise with arthris
move the affected joints (maintain ROM)
what is the main way of doing stregnth training for arthritis
light weights and stretch bands
you should do 5-10 repetitions with low load (it can be
repeated 3 times = 15 to 30 reps) for what condition of the joint
if the joint is affected but not painful
you should do cut the repetitions in half =
7 to 15 reps (strength) for what condition of the joitnt
if the jointt is slightly swollen and mildly painful
you should avoid strengthening exercises for waht condition of joint
if the joint is hot, swllen and painful
you can do ROM exercise: 5-10 repetitions, the position is held for 2-3
seconds (when it is appropriate)
– Stretching exercises: 2 to 3 repetitions, the position is held
for 20-30 sec
for what condition of joint
if the joint is affected but not painful
you can cut the reps for ROM and stretching in half for what condition of joint
if the joint is slightly swollen but neither hot nor painful
you should only do 1/2 reps of the Rom exercises and no stretching for what condition of thje joint
hot, swollen and painful
why is relaxion good for exrcise
Relaxing the muscles around an inflamed joint
reduces pain.
what is the affect of stress/anxiety on arthris
will increase pain sensation
whta does heat do for arthrtis
Heat helps relax aching muscles, reduces joint pain and soreness (not recommended for swollen joints) – For example, take a hot shower, hot pad
true or false: heat is recommended for swollen joints
false, it is not
what does cold for for artthris
Cold helps to lessen the pain and swelling in a joint
– For example, put an ice pack on your knee
to prvent joint deterioration, what should you do to your body
Important to be kind to the body. After doing heavy
work, or doing the same task over and overèstop or
slow down
why is it important to use arms, legs and back in safe ways and give example
avoid stress on joints
– Ex: Carry a heavy load close to your body
when can surgery be considered for arthrisi
Can be considered if the joint
becomes badly damaged, or if the
pain is too strong
what are the benefits for surgery for arthris
less pain, better movement and function, and in some cases, better physical appearance. Can be minor or major (joint reconstruction)