Lecture 12 Flashcards
The “Forer effect” is…?
mock personality assessment
- people got back the same one, people thought this was pretty accurate
- descriptions sufficiently generalised and amenable to multiple interpretations
- accuracy rating increase as a function of positivity of the description and belief in the authority of the source
Conceptual similarity critique
- validity of personality questionnaires
- personality traits simply reflect judgements of conceptual similarity
- did the analysis with boys on a summer camp
- personality traits are best thought of as reflecting perceived conceptual similarities among items
Problems with conceptual similarity critique
- methodological confound: common method variance
- If this is true, why are judgements different for different people and similar for the same person
Person-situation debate - construct validity and predictive validity (usefulness)
Mischel: 1) personality weakly predict behaviour
2) behaviour varies considerably over situations
= personality traits not useful, behaviour is driven by situations, not persons
global personality traits are useful for predicting
state expressions across many situations
a single state expression by a given individual in a specific situation
is substantially dependent on the characteristics of his or her situation
What are strong situations characterised by?
1) clear behavioural expectations
2) incentives for compliance
3) individual ability to meet the demands of the situation
Personality traits assess…
the beliveing self,
relatively biased record of actual experience
reflect semantic memory
experiencing self
collect momentary reports, more costly and time consuming
criticisms of lexical hypothesis
- adjectives too simple
- adjectives are ambiguous
- Reliance on layperson ratings
Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator
Psychic functions: Perceiving--> sensation --> Intuition Judging --> Thinking --> Feeling \+ Introvert - inward direction of energy \+ Extravert - outward direction of energy Classifications = ESFP INTP
Criticisms of Meyer briggs
Reliability, Predictive validity, impartiality
Taxometrics is
tests whether or not data can be modelled in terms of discrete categories