Lecture 11 - Intro To Pain Flashcards
Pain definition
An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage
Distinct classes of nociceptors
- thermal: superficial, respond to extreme heat or cold
- mechanical
- polymodal: can be both termal and mechanical
- silent: inflammatory agents that switch from silent to polymodal
Nociceptor classes and where they are found in the body
- superficial: thermal and mechanical
- throughout the body: polymodal
- muscles, joint and viscera: silent
Type of pain receptor fibers
- Adelta: myelinated, travel 5-30 m/sec, respond to pain and temperature, found on body surface. Associated with “first pain”
- C fibers: 0.5-2 m/sec, respond to temperature, itches and pain. Unmyleinated and found throughout the entire body. Associated with “second pain”
Activation of nociceptors
- tissue damage triggers local release of bradykinin, PGs and K+
Increased swelling and sensitisation of nociceptors
- retrograde activation of collarerals triggers release of substance P - mast cell degranulate and release histamine
Plasma extravasation which can sensitise nociceptors
Retrograde activation of collaterals triggers release of substance P which acts on blood vessels to promote blood flow at injury site
- turgor and color
Primary hyperalgesia
- Sensitisation of the nociceptors on peripheral fibres can result in primary hyperalgesia/allodynia
Allodynia vs hyperalgesia
- allodynia: previously inocous stimuli are now perceived as painful
- hyperalgesia: noxious stimuli are now perceived as more noxious
Nociceptive receptors project to spinal chord
- A-delta and C-fivres from the body project into spinal cord
- spinal cord is a laminated structure
- lamina is designated 1-10
- each lamina has a specific function: neurons in laminae 1, 2, 5 and 10 each receive inputs from the nociceptors from distinct body tissues
Pain fibres and dermatomes
- each spinal nerve caries nociceptor fibres that go through specific body areas
- A and delta fibres are carried in each spinal nerve
- each spinal segment processes noxious signals arising from each dermatome
- the maps of noxious input are not highly accurate
Where do A-delta and C fibres project
- A-delta fibres project in lamina 1 and 5
- C fibres project into lamina 2
Central sensitisation
- glutamate is a neurotransmitter that can bind to both AMPA and NMDA receptors
- AMPA receptor shows a very quick response and firing
- NMDA receptor is activated upon repetitive firing by AMPA -> this induces plasticity in neural chord -> central sensitization -> intense activation in response to mild stimulus -> neuropathic pain, hyperalgesia
- prolonged activatin of the spinal neurons by nociceptive input can trigger cell death int he spinal chord -> inhibitory type most vulnerable
Referred pain mechanism
- convergence of primary afferent fibres onto common pools of spinal neurons can result in perceptual mistake
- fibres from spinal lamina 1,2,5,10 cross the midline in the spinal chord and ascend towards higher brain regions -> travel in anterolateral quadrant/tract to primary sensory cortex which contains a body map
Spinothalamic tract
Some fibres ascent directly to the thalamus -> part of the cortex that controls the emotional partr of pain
Ventral trigeino-thalamic tract
Pain from the head region is relayed through the trigeminal nerve
How does morphine act
- morphine alters descending modulation -> Originates from midbrain regions, which receive nociceptor inputs