Origins of uric acid
- purine base
- derived from breakdown of purine: adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine
- also from breakdown of nucleoside (Adenosine, guanosine, inosine)
- also from breakdown of purine nucleotide: ATP, ADP, AMP, GTP, GDP, GMP, IMP
Xanthine oxidase
- converts hypoxanthine and xanthine into uric acid
- useful therapeutic target
Serum urate concentraiton
- Males: 0.25 - 0.42 mM
- Females: 0.18 - 0.38mM
- solubilityof urate and crystalization are at 0.4mM
Uric acid levels depend on rates of
- purine nucleotide syntehsis
- purine breakdown
- purine intake
- uric acid excrtetion
Dietary origins of uric acid
Foods high in purines: seafood, meats, alcoholic beverage (esp beer)
Foods low in purine: Fruits, vegetable, grains, dairy, eggs
Uric acid production: de Novo pathway
- purines are synthesized on a ribose phosphate backbone
- becomes PRPP -> promotes high uric acid levels
- PRPP has a positive feed-forward effect
Salvage pathway
- divert purine base drom uric acid sunthesis and replenish nucleotide pool
- uses two enzymes: APRT and HGPRT
Role of salvage pathway enzymes
- minimize uric acid production
- recover purine base for use as purine nucleotide
- especially in brain: salvage pathway enzyme
- nucleotide required for neurotransmitter synthesis
Dedificiency in HGPRT: Less Nyhan syndrome
- X linked
- gout due to hyperuricemia
- elevated PRPP exacerbated gout and promotes de novo pathway
- serious CNS effects: mental retardation, growth retardation, choreathetosis, spasticity, self mutilation
Uric acid lowering therapy clinical contect
- prevent acute attachs
- eliminate tophi
- suppress plasma urate level in context of tumor lysis syndrome
- reverse hyperuricemia in ischemic heart disease and metabolic syndrome
Strategies to lower serum uric acid level
- block uric acid synthesis
- promote urinary excretion
- convert to allantoin
Xanthine oxidase inhibitors lower uric acid synthesis: Allopurinol
- allopurinol is a hypoxanthine analog
- allopurinol is converted to alloxanthine by xanthine oxidase
- alloxanthine remains bound to active site
- xanthine oxidase undergoes suicide inhibition
Xanthine oxidase enzyme progile
- 1330 residues protein
- active enzyme are homodimers
- hepatocyte cytoplasm
- reaction centres: FeS, Mo, FAD
- Mo cycles between +6 and +4 oxidation stated
- alloxanthine holds Mo in +4 state -> interferes with function
- a new xanthine oxidase inhibitor
- non-purine inhibitor
- binds to both reduced and oxidized forms
- promote renal excretion of uric acid and block reabsorption
- serum uric acid concentration falls
- urinary uric acid concentration rises
- increased risk of renal deposition and renal calculo
Eg: probenecid, benzbromarone (effective in context of renal failure -> inhibits postsecretory tubular reabsorption)
- humans lack uricase
- converts uric acid to allantoin
- uricase is highly effective in mobilizing uric acid from tophi
- uricase also effective in controlling uric acid levels in tumour lysis syndrome
Hypothesis for beneficial effects of uric acid
- may be an important biological anti-oxidant
- may promote salt retention under low salt condition
Tumor lysis syndrome
- acute elevation of plasma uric acid level
- cancer chemotherapy: increase cell death -> excess release of purine and uric acid production
Crystal formation
- in joints, bone, skin: monosodium urate monohydrate
- in urine: uric acid crystals (because acidic environment)
URate crystal formation
- occurs in only a minority of hyperuricemic people
- is the critical step in the development of gout
- is slow
- is influenced by temperature, nucleating factors and growth inhibitors
Interaction between urate crystals and inflammatory system
- low grade inflammation between attacks
- rapid escalation during flares
- spontaneous resolution without treatment
- involves many components of the immune system
Early clinical features of gout
- monoarticular attacks
- rapid onset, maximal within 24 hours, severe pain
- Pdagra or mid foot joint invovlement
- redness and swelling around joint, heat
- complete resolution within 7-14 days