Lecture 10: Making it in Midlife Flashcards
Menopause in women
- happens on the inside, not visible
- menstraution stops
Reproductive changes in women (Premenopause)
- normal level of estrogen and progesterone
- regular mentrual cycles
Reproductive changes in women (Perimenopause)
- decreasing level of estrogen and progesterone
- irregular m. cycles
- hot flashes
- sleep disturbances
Reproductive changes in women (menopause)
- low esterogen and progesterone
- no mentruation for 12 months
Cosequences of female menopause
psychological reactions
- sadness over loss of reproductive capacity
- liberation from fear of becoming a parent
Consequences of female menopause
health consequences of lack of estrogen
- increased risk of osteoporosis
- icnreased risk for cardiovascular disease
- sexual intercourse may become painful
Reproductive changes in middle-aged men
- gradual decline in testosterone level
- the postrate gland enlarges and may obstruct the urinary tract
- prostate cancer
- esrectile dysfunction
Chronic stress causes… (physical health)
- increased risk for (viral infections, coronary heart diseases, the development of insulin resistance)
- tension headaches
- sexual dysfunction and infertility
Stress and Psychological Health
- reduction of memory and executive function
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
post-traumatic stress disorder
is an enxiety that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occured or was threatened
The sandwich generation
balancing between caring for own children and for aging parents (interpersonal stress, intrapersonal stress)
caring for an aging parent - typical stress..
- conflict of daily living
- frustration over parent’s declining cognitive functioning
- other respnsibilities?
- sadnedd, anger… lost chances?
Caring for an aging parent - typical rewards
- increased closeness in the relationship
- giving back to the parent
- many cultures spport carying for elderly parents