lecture 10- ethnicity and race Flashcards
identity with a group of people who share cultural traditions of a homeland or hearth
identity with a group of people who are perceived to share physical traits, such as skin colour, and/or behavioural traits
–> doesn’t have to be physical traits, did not mean that in the past
identity with a group of people who share legal attachment to a particular country
=the process of constructing race as a social category and how this affects people’s daily lives…
–> shared experience between groups of people, influences opportunities (economic, political…), social spheres
–> to create power imbalances between groups
Racialized people face…
lower incomes, less influence over decision making processes, police violence, lower life expectancies
Apartheid in south Africa:
segregation between racial categories, control
fear of a particular ethnicity. Can overlap with Xenophobia, fear of people from other countries
Ethnic cleansing=
purposeful policy designed by on ethnicity/religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.
Doesn’t have to be physical.
the mass killing of a group of people to eliminate an entire group from existence. The far end of ethnic cleansing.
Ex. the holocaust
Conflict has been a reason to justify…
ethnic cleansing and genocide
Why do conflicts occur?
- when resources become scarcer. Power, territory, physical resources
- the interests of the societies elite class mobilize ethnic groups to engage in conflicts
- aspects and promotion of “othering” = them vs. us
- violent conflict is mainly caused by social and political systems that lead to inequality and grievances, do not offer options for peaceful expression of differences
the scramble for africa
- boundary lines drawn through the lines of particular ethnic groups
- a lot of conflict occurs at the borders
-created by the allies after WW1, trying to unite several Balkan ethnicities
- Josip Broz Tito helped forge Yugoslav identity
-Ethnic tensions flared after Tito’s death in the 80s
- Yugoslavia dissolved into smaller countries
-Ethnic regions and political lines were mismatched, leading to civil wars, ethnic cleansing and genocide from 1991-2001
Atlantic Slave Trade and the African Diaspora:
- forced displacement of Africans from West Africa during the 15th to 19th century
- colonization and “Plantationocene”, working on Plantations
countries: descendants of the African slave trade and African Diaspora
Caribbean, Haiti and Jamaica
Internal migration of African Americans:
Interregional migration from US south to northern cities during the first half of the 20th century
Intraregional migration from the inner suburban neighbourhood during the second half of the 20th century
the indigenous people who live in the northern regions of Canada, generally above the arctic circle
First Nations=
the many different nations (634 recognized) living in the non-Arctic regions of Canada
distinct people and culture which arose from communities of First Nation and European fur traders
Chinese Canadians and the history of Chinatown:
- the first Chinese people to settle in Canada were 50 artisans who accompanied Captain John Meares
- many arrived in the Fraser Valley from SF as gold prospectors
- Canadian Pacific Railway
- Hong Kong immigrants settled in Canada
Exclusion Act=
period of decline, made worse by the Great Depression. Some residents started moving to nearby Japantown and Strathcona
Head Tax
was introduced to try to discourage Chinese immigration