Lecture 10: Cellular Structure of the Brain 2 Flashcards
what is special about neurons?
shape and size - unique as it is dependent on where input is from, location, and where their axons have to go
Shape of the neuron
determined by connections - input/output
how is neuron shape maintained?
what is different between the dendrite and axon?
membrane proteins
What does the cytoskeleton help to do
maintain and make shapes and therefore maintaining the function of the neurons
what dimers bind together to form microtubules?
alpha and beta tubulin
add tubulin dimers to which end of the microtubule?
add tubulin dimers at the positive end to elongate axon (grows towards the end of the axon)
dendrite specific also the soma
dendrite and axon
enriched in distal axon
Microtubule uniform orientation
positive ends towards axonal end
microtubules are highly organised in the axons and dendrites, microtubules bound by tau in the axons which stability the structure and they also have uniform extension
microtubule mixed orientation
positives at both ends therefore both ends can extend which allows for extending and retracting
MAP2 allows for stabilising of structures in dendrites forming parallel networks
loss of MAPs
tangled microtubules which disrupts structure which disrupts cell which disrupts function
Material is transported down the axon via
microtubules (highways of the cell)
How was axonal transport found out about?
Axonal transport – 1930’s - squid neuron
Ligate axon, vesicles accumulate on soma side
Inject label into soma and watch it move down axon - moved down faster than rate of diffusion therefore realised something must actually be transporting them
The first electron microscope made in 1931.
Fast axonal transport
bidirectional (250-400mm/day)
Slow axonal tranport
anterograde (1mm/day) - transporting more structure molecules therefore do not need as fast flow as fast axonal transport
anterograde axonal transport carries
mitochondria, vesicles, membrane lipids
Retrograde axonal transport
used materials
purpose = recycle and repair, materials that need to be recycled e.g. degraded materials or nonfunctioning mitochondria
_______ proteins and axonal transport
uses motor proteins
kinesin - antero
dynein - retro
Motor protein for anterograde axonal transport
motor protein for retrograde axonal transport
Kinesins vs dynein
Kinesins govern the majority of anterograde transport and dynein is responsible for retrograde transport, shuttling proteins back toward the cell body for recycling
motor protein consists of
motor domain, tail domain
Motor protein - motor domain
contains ATPase (uses ATP) conserved across species