Lecture 10 Flashcards
what are the 3main barriers for effective pain management
what are the major cnp categories
-primary pain
-post traumatic pain
-post surgical pain
-musculoskeletal pain
what are some common therapeutic goals
-they usuallt=y try to find the balance between palliation and rehab
-decrease pain
-increase sleep
-increase activity
-improve mood
chronic pain is a sciernmce
faose it is an art that ahs voodoo and science
this is because there is not enough scientific data
palliative therapy: the og approach what is in it
-invasive interventions
-behavoral therapy
-hands on therapy
-complementary and alternative medecine
true or false; duloxine is a slay
nah it is not really a slay for osteoarthritis knee pain, it barely beats placebo
what are the categories of meds in pain pharmacology
non opioids
analgesic selection should bne based on pain characteristics; what is the acronym
examples of invasive measures
-trigger point injections
-nerve blocks
-spinal axis interventions
examples of super invasibe measures
-periferal nerve, spinal cord and brain stimulation
-implanted spinal pump
outcome: paliavtive therapeutic for CNCP
-4 year community study
increased prevalence 45.5to53.8
79% still reported pain after 4 years
-retrospectivbe study of patients with CRPS
none had recovered
I’m most only modest symptom improvement
improvement not necessarily associated with therapy
when was thje cancer act passed and what was its goal
massive func=ding for cancer palliation but not prevention
-the hope was that in 2000 cancer mortality would decrease by 50%
why was cancer act a flop
-death rate in the is dropped by 5% from 1950s to 2006
-palliation is effective for some cancers, it still ranks behind early detection and risk factor modification in its potential to reduce cancer mortality
similarities between cancer and chronmic pain
-high prevalence
-multi factorial etiologies
-multityue of palliative therapeutic approaches
-although frequently beneficial most current approaches have so far failed to change the outcome
the future of cncp prevention
-identify enviromental cobntributions
-phenotype and genotype patients at risk
-explore preventive analgesia