Lecture 10/11: Viruses Flashcards
Virus notes
- Not considered “living”
- incapable of making ATP
- No metabolism
- Cannot replicate without host
- infectious agents, not organisms
- Gene delivery system that contains genes encoding for structural components and facilitate it’s reproduction
- Viral surfaces are only compatible with the surfaces of certain types of cell
Virus classifications
- Classified by the type of cell they infect: Eukaryotic or prokaryotic
- Bacteriophages: Infect prokaryotes, eats bacteria
- Classified by viral genome too: either DNA OR RNA, genome is linear OR circular, double OR single stranded
Viral genome components
- DNA or RNA
- Single or Doubled stranded
- Capsid
- Some have envelope
Protective coating made out of protein that all viruses have AKA nucleocapsid if it has nucleus acid
- Carries enzymes
- Composed of identical subunits called capsomeres
Surrounds the capsid and is made of lipid and protein, only some viruses have this
Viral reproduction
Viruses hijack ribosomes and polymerases to make copies of themselves
Virus reproduction components
- Make more viral proteins like capsid
- Make viral genomes like DNA or RNA
Virus characteristics
- Super small: 10 nanometers to 800 nanometers
- Smallest one is 10 nanometers with 10 genes
Virion (viral particle)
- Virus without a host
- Has capsid, matrix proteins
Enveloped virus
Have lipid bilayer envelope and mateix proteins between the nucleocapsid and envelope
Non envelope (naked) viruses
Lack envelope
Simplified viral life cycle
1) virus endocytose or fuses with cell
2) uncoats
3a) transcription of viral genes
3b) translation
3c) replication for more viral DNA
4) assembly of new viruses
5) leaves cell via budding or lyse
Viral entry into cell
- Must be able to recognize and bind to cell’s surface
- Recognize membrane proteins of host cells
- Uses capsid or envelope for recognizing
- Viruses cannot infect all cells
RNA viruses example
Rotaviruses, norovirus, polioviruses, rubella, hepatitus C