Lecture 10/1 Flashcards
when can kids become front facing in a car seat?
2 years old
when can you screen for ADHD well?
School aged, particularly 2nd and 3rd grade
what is the most common type of deaths for children?
- motor vehicle accidents
2. drownings/ smoke or fire
what ages have the highest risk of drowning?
ages 1-3
when should children start getting teeth?
7-12 months
they should have them by 15 months old
What teeth usually fall out first?
Fall out in pairs
bottom front teeth usually come out at same time
What is the main appropriate test to evaluate cognition. Usually done by a developmental psychologist.
Bayley scores
what is used for intelligence testing?
Standford Binet
when is colic common?
First few weeks of life up to 6 months. Predictable pattern
What type babies is colic common in?
Formula-fed babies
severe and paroxysmal crying that occurs mainly in the late afternoon. Difficult to console.
What can you do for colic?
Reassure the parents
rule out other issues
preventative, try to stop it before it starts
when does colic peak?
2-3 months
what is the rule of 3s for colic?
Healthy and well fed but cries > 3 hours/day for > 3 days a week, for > 3 weeks
What drugs helps to reduce gas? Doesn’t really help prevent colic
what is commonly used for reflex, but may not be helpful.
What is one of the most common reasons for shaken baby syndrome?
Who is food refusal common in?
Toddlers/ school aged children
what can food refusal be an underlying sign of?
esophageal dysmotility
infection (ear infection, etc)
pyloric stenosis (only in infancy)
what’s the first thing you should do when you see food refusal?
Look at growth chart to make sure they aren’t falling off of it
what is a way to increase calorie intake for children doing food refusal?
have them butter all their foods
avoid fruit juices (excessive juice)
fortify with high calorie drinks (pediasure drinks)
What study can show constipation?
radiographic studies
when do most babies start to sleep through the night?
6 months
when is sleeping disorders a problem due to separation anxiety
9 months
2hrs after sleeping, during NREM, screaming thrashing, tachycardia, sweating… ends after 30min… no memory of it.
Night terrors
– during REM, later in the night, typically followed by awakening. Typically 3-5yr old. 25-50%
night mares
when are temper tantrums common
12 months- 4 years
how do you avoid temper tantrums?
chid-proof the environment
pick your battles
what can you do to stop breath-holding?
nothing really
what can breath holding lead to rarely?
when are temper tantrums the highest?
2 years of age
what is a function problem?
Not related to a physical problem
ex- holding stool, eating low fiber diet
what is an organic issue?
Related to anatomic or neurologic problems
incontinence beyond “maturity” - typically age 4
when is nighttime dryness usually achieved?
6 years old
Never been contient
primary enuresis
Dry at least 6 months but now have incontinence episodes again
secondary enuresis
what is the ddx for enuresis
developmental difficulties
organic illness
psychological distress
what type of nocturnal enuresis is most likely to have a family history and no identified problem
up to 6-8 years old
primary nocturnal enuresis
type of enuresis that is more likely to have an organic etiology: UTI, DM, DI
happens in day and night
secondary diurnal and nocturnal