Lecture 1 Flashcards
Impaired comprehension and/or use of spoken, written and/or other symbol systems. The disorder may involve (1) the form of language (phonology, morphology, syntax), (2) the content of language (semantics), and/or (3) the function of language in communication (pragmatics) in any combination
Language Disorder
morphology, phonology, and syntax
Content or meaning/vocab
Use of language/function
Form, Content, And Use Make up what?
Taxonomy of language
Expressive and Receptive also make up what?
Taxonomy of Language
Hallmark of DLD
Form/Morphosyntactic problems (morphology & syntax) EX: past tense, 3rd person singular, “he go to the store/he goes to the store is an ex of copulas)
Omission of morphosyntactic markers should be acquired by age ?
Omission of morphosyntactic markers include what?
past tense, third person singular, and copulas
What do older children have problems with in terms of Form (morphosyntactic)?
Overarching grammar problems including: WH questions, verb arguments, verb alternations –> make it hard when they write (use same pattern over and over; girl opening door, door is opening), complex syntax (using embedded clauses), pronominal reference (using he/she and not knowing which one they’re talking about), errors tend to be omissions as opposed to wrong tense**
New umbrella name for Developmental Language Disorder
Child Language Disorder
Why do we call it a delay?
child is just behind & insurance won’t pay because they think kid will catch up eventually
Kids with a Phonological (smallest unit of speech) processing problem in terms of Form (phonology) demonstrate problems with what?
- discriminating and categorizing speech sounds (screen good but can’t produce)
- Produce speech sounds and meaningful phonemic contrasts (rhyme)
- Remember novel sequences of speech sounds: why we give them nonsense words
- Manipulating sounds: “pin” without /p/
* they have difficulties in available speech sounds and see the same speech error patterns*
Kids w/ a Content (semantics-meaning) problem demonstrate what?
- Delayed first words
- Difficulty learning new words
- Naming errors/word finding problems
- Multi-meaning words (haven’t attached ending to words)
- Semantic properties of words
* also have problems with jokes and metaphors, newonces of words*
- ex of changing meaning: “happy mom vs. sad mom”
Kids w/ a USE (Pragmatics) problem demonstrate problems with what?
- Social Communication
- DLD- tend to be immature rather than impaired (Look @ if the convo is way out in left field or if they’re talking like a younger child)
Developmental age
Mental age
Mental age
If child is 5 years old but are nonverbal/have knowledge of 6 months old
How do we find out child’s developmental Age?
Standardized test; looking for IQ:
Developmental age: you look for _____
What’s the problem if you look at child’s language compared to developmental/mental age?
If not a big discrepancy between their language @ mental is where their developmental age is
What’s the problem with assessing mental age?
If the test is language based & most of them are (ex: directions) technically testing nonverbal
Another problem w/ assessing mental age referencing
Sometimes they’re culturally biased: we would find LESSS of a discrepancy between their language & mental age & would penalize them for having little language therefore preventing kids from therapy who actually need it
What language areas do we see most impaired in school age children?
Morphology & syntax (morphosyntactic)
Use non-specific vocabulary (stuff, things, you know)
Semantic: info is not consolidated
Inability to repeat sentences
Syntax (word order)
Little or no eye contact
incorrect word order in sentences
difficulty with turn taking
do not understand multiple meaning of words
using false starts (um, oh, well)
struggle to express wants and needs
confusion with figurative language (idioms, proverbs, jokes)
subject-verb do not agree
incorrect verb tense
make demands instead of requests
difficulty using pronounts (i, she, he, his, ours)
syntax (me go to the store)
weak memory skills
trouble making up sentence using given words
add inappropriate comments
do not consider who is listening to their conversation
word finding problems
ask inappropriate questions
limited vocabulary
difficulty following directions
use of simple sentence patterns; noun plus verb plus noun
do not understand abstract concepts (more, less, letters, numbers, shapes)
cannot stay on the convo topic
use short, simple sentences