Assessing Advanced language part 1 Flashcards
Assessing advanced language- we’re talking about ages:
12-adulthood (language age, not chronological)
Children at this age are beginning to produce more rubust narratives & _________ _________
complex sentences
At this age children are also able to:
- make some inferences
- engage in conversation (meaningful)
- engage in metalinguistic convo (showing awareness and how it’s used)
At this age children are still having problems with:
wobbling language
More of advanced language at this age:
- communicating for social interaction
- critical thinking: problem solve outloud
- written language along w/ reading: there are written words you use when you aren’t speaking
Adolescents with LLD
- weak language foundation: some have lang impairment history but not all require special education-makes it difficult to found: lang foundation: struggle to develop lang required for academic succes
- special support
- self esteem: at risk
Student centered assessment
- parents role
- what to tell the student
- establish cooperative relationship
parents role:
parents become less involved in child’s social circle-they are no longer the child’s primary social unit
What should you do when going to assess a child?
explain what you’re looking for and ask them a lot of questions. talk about what you’re going to assess. so we’re transitioning ownership to treatment to the student
alot of kids struggle in school
work on lang skills will improve your academmic success-hard to swallow bec they struggle. paint picture around social and vocational success. let them talk about famous person they really think is great and find interview by them to hear ab their academic success
- screenings
- referrals
- self-referrals
- standardized assessments
you can find at risk groups but tends to be a waste of time
where could you find group of kids that might not be getting served?
go into specilal service classes- those getting extra support in reading aren’t seeing SLPs. so any of the at risk kids. most high schools will flag kids who aren’t graduating and do screenings on kids
-educate teachers on self esteem
students self referrals
kids usually dont do this
-maybe we could boost up language. try to get students to understand that might be.
standardized assessments
kids could be high on some and drop down on some like her son
- global asssessments are sensitive enough to pick up what’s going on. so you could give specific portions of these assessments
- after this do criterion
Assessment domains: Semantics (areas of weakness for kids w/ LLD)
- literate lexicon
- word retreival
- word defiinitions/ word relations
- figurative language
- verbal reasoning
Literate lexicon
how do kids in this age range learn vocab? direct instruction! students have prob w/ lang may not understand use of language in definition
- another way kids learn new vocab = contextual abstraction: can figure out meaning in context
- that’s a metalinguistic process: “that’s a word i don’t know. underline and look up”
- dynamic assessment to see if they can define word; if don’t know it, then scaffold-helps find words out that point to definition.
- if don’t get w/ scaffold- direct intervention
- students also learn new vocab in morphological- meaning o fmall words/directly teach prefixes and suffixes)
Word retreival problem with kids w/ LLD
Discrepancy between expressive and receptive- if expressive is much lower then word retreival might e the problem
-these kids should be more sophisticated; a little kid says bird we expect more than one component-being able to understand how words relate to each other also becomes important at this point (gigantic means bigger than big)
Figurative language
challenging! cognitive skil shifting your mind fluidly- looking at patterns-being able to suppress one idea to get the next idea. fig language is you suppressing on idea to allow that other idea to come up
- wana do dynamic assessment to see if scaffold these
- 2 definitions of the word flower and then they can only think of the thing that grows in the ground
verbal reasoning
using language for problem solving, planning things or organizing-it’s thinking out loud/talking about whatever i tis
Assessment domains: syntax and morphology
- comprehension
- production sampling contexts (narratives, exposition, comparison of oral and written samples)
- production measures
by this age group kids should comprehend all sentence types! they are no longer using those strategies like word order or what makes the most sense-they should actually have that
language sampling:
wanna look at narratives, expository texts, and comparison of oral and written samples
children in the advanced language learning stage learn new vocabulary through
context cues & morphological analysis
most all children in the advanced language learning stage will be receiving special services for academics
children in the advanced learning language stage are at risk for low self esteem
dynamic assessmen for figurative language can be used when assessing a child in the advanced language learning stage