is a group of people with common characteristics of interest living
together within a territory or geographical boundary. A place where people under
usual conditions are found
was coined by American social workers in the
late 1880s to describe their efforts to coordinate services for newly arrived immigrants
and the poor.
community organization
has been used by variety of
professionals, including community health workers, and refers to various methods of
interventions to deal with social problems.
community organization
The process of community organizing/building begins when someone _______ in a community and decides to do something about it.
that a problem exists
someone recognizes
that a problem exists in a community and decides to do something about it.
initial organizer
process that begins with those who are affected by the
-citizen initiated, organized from a bottom up organization
those who control, both formally and informally, the political climate of
the community
-top down organization
This second step in the community organizing process may or may not be needed,
depending on whether the issue in step 1 was identified by someone from within the
community or outside. If the issue is identified by someone outside the community,
this step becomes a critical step in the process
Gaining Entry into the Community
Obtaining the support of community members to deal with the problem
Organizing the People
core group of community members
become the backbone of the workforce and will end up doing the
majority of the work.
one of the core group’s tasks is to recruit
more members of the community to the cause
defined as “a self-contained group of ‘doers’ that is not ongoing. It is
convened for a narrow purpose over a defined timeframe at the request of another body or
task force
is “a formal alliance of organizations that come together to work for a common
is “an orientation to practice focused on community, rather
than a strategic framework or approach, and on building capacities, not fixing
Community building
In the community organizing approach, the assessment is focused on the _______ of
the community
in community building, the assessment focuses on _________ of the community.
and capabilities
It is from these capacities and assets that communities are built
Assessing the Community
is a process by which data about the issues of concern are
collected and analyzed. From the analyzed data, concerns or problems emerge and
are prioritized so that strategies can be created to tackle them
needs assessment
is a process of identifying community assets, not
concerns or problems. It is a process by which organizers literally use a map to
identify the different assets of a community
Mapping community capacity
An analysis of the community assessment data should result in the
identification of the problems to be addressed.
Determining the Priorities and Setting Goals
to modify or restructure the work plan to organize the
Looping Back
is a branch of public health which focuses on people and their
role as determinants of their own and other people’s health in contrast to
environmental health, which focuses on the physical environment and its impact on
people’s health.
Community health
is a major field of study within medical and clinical sciences
which focuses on the maintenance, protection and improvement of health status of
population groups and communities.
Community health
Primary health care was declared in the _________ as a strategy to
community health development.
refers to the optimum level of individuals, families and
Modern concept of health
is a state of mind, a way of life which involve options that an individual takes to
enjoy a healthy life. It is the integration of the mind, body and spirit, the level of selfactualization
any combination of planned learning experiences based on sound theories that
provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire
information and the skills to make quality health decisions.
Health education
any planned combination of educational, political, environmental, regulatory, or
organizational mechanism that support actions and conditions of living
conclusive to the health of individuals, groups and communities.
Health promotion
is about personal health to understand health and wellness in
the community level.
Disease prevention
It is a strategy aimed to provide essential health care that is
community-based, accessible, acceptable, part and parcel of the total socio-economic
development effort of the nation and sustainable at an affordable cost.
Primary health care